Well, Maori do at least have a sense of humour….

This comment, in response to the “do they deserve the gift of civilisation” post, demonstrates it:
“..Maori people were out of the loop geographically so in terms of proximity we achieved the most advanced stoneage ever recorded…”

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20 Responses to Well, Maori do at least have a sense of humour….

  1. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Can’t find an avatar for a :stunned silence:
    Or even one for :that’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard:


    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

  2. KG says:

    It’s so damn stupid, it surely must be an attempt at humour gone wrong? Otherwise, there’s a village marae missing its idiot…

  3. Kris K says:

    Clearly Kuripango’s “the most advanced stoneage ever recorded” included the ‘art’ of cannibalism, wiping out the Moa and NZ’s native giant eagle, and the state of perpetual inter-tribal war until ol’ whitey arrived and ‘saved’ Maoridom from murdering and/or eating each other to extinction.

    Obviously my definition of “advanced” is at odds with that of our visiting friend …

  4. octagongrappler says:

    :mrgreen: Paul Spoonley will hear of this bigotry and racism, I must send him a link!! He will not be happy with you lot

  5. KG says:

    Anything that upsets the Spoon is doing good work. :smile:
    Now, where’s Joris deB.?

  6. KG says:

    What that thread demonstrated is the truth that maori no longer understand the meaning of free and open debate. Their idea of “debate” nowadays is for them to lecture and hector whitey on his manifold failings while making inflated claims for imaginary maori virtues and grievances, while whitey sits in submissive silence.
    I’ve seen it at first-hand, and walked out in disgust.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    It’s amazing to me that it’s always ALWAYS someone else’s fault.

    These idiots were living in Maui and headed for a block-party on Molokai. They got lost and spent months floating across the Pacific (hey, mebbe that’s when they picked up a taste for ‘the other, other whie meat’). That makes them master navigators, unparalleled in the pre-historic world (except of course, the evidence points to their floatabout happening in the early 1700s rather than genuine prehistory).

    So, because they got lost and became out of the loop geographically they didn’t have the advantages of thought, innovation and entrepreneurialism that gave the world such amazing things as the wheel? Is that the real reason, or is it because as soon as they bumped into the most beautiful piece of dirt in earth they immediately started turf wars, wiping out each other and many of that place’s native species (including the genuine indigenous people)?

    • Moist von Lipwig says:

      Exactly GG. With their ability to twist history and logic, I am surprised that we don’t see more of them at children’s parties..
      Making balloon animals.

    • KG says:

      That’s about the best summation I’ve seen on this subject.

  8. mawm says:

    Muriel’s latest bit about Maori and their grabbing, grasping ways and the weakling Key is a good read.

  9. KG says:

    Ah yes..Muriel nails it, as usual. What a pity more Kiwis don’t read NZCPR!

  10. erikter says:

    Once a savage, always a savage. It’s called lineage.

  11. WAKE UP says:

    What kind of mind uses the words “advanced” and “stone-age” together in the first place ?