Yaaay! The latest Woodpile Report is up.

And full of beautifully written meaty goodness, as usual.
“..Political Correctness came to America in the 1970s. At first it was ridiculed, a sure-fire laugh line for standup comedians. Gradually people became aware a new generation had grown up believing Political Correctness was the default reality, if ever-more intrusive and bewildering. Knowing the latest version required close attention and it was no idle exercise to stay current, any misstep had social and career implications. Ludicrous consequences of Political Correctness such as zero tolerance spread like mold on Chinese drywall…
…..But Political Correctness is not a free-standing code of happy-talk, it’s Stalinist hard-wiring, systematic subjugation, raw domination. By containing all discussion within their margins they hope to starve free speech out of existence…”  (bold mine kg)

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