Open house

With any luck, a few of the perpetually aggrieved brownies will drop by to give us the benefit of their wisdom instead of sending trolls to do grown-up’s work. :)

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50 Responses to Open house

  1. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!OMG!!!late breaking news – a new tv show about Harvard University is being produced called “The Real Housewives of Harvard grads.”

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Have they interviewed Mrs Potato Head yet, Harvard?

      • HarvardPotatoHead says:

        No, The Gantt Guy mainly because Nobody will marry me. I am too far out.!!!!OOOMMMGGG!!!!

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          At least you get to console yourself with Your Colombian domestics, Harvard.cor are you still occupying under a bridge somewhere?

  2. Darin says:

    A dramatic movie with a happy ending-

  3. medusa says:

    Ummmm, do we know if there is a ‘Mrs Potato Head’ yet?? :mrgreen:
    M hooked 8 trout yesterday, mixture of brown and rainbow and lost them all,
    the dog house is fully occupied just now :evil:

  4. Scumsucker says:

    I note the Poms are whining about the number of illegal female circumcisions being performed in the UK.

    Kinda like those numb-nut Kiwis who bitch about the sale of the Crafar farms to the Chinese Govt. whilst we let in as resident-citizens voters how many thousands of Asians a week?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Scummy, you should know by now you’re not allowed to draw logical conclusions from the analysis of,multiple related data points! That’s raaaacccciiiissssstttttt!

  5. WAKE UP says:

    You may be interested to know that I’ve had it reported to me by an eye-witness that John Key had a limo with its engine running non-stop and all security personnel on full alert (right down to the guns and balaclavas) for 2 & 1/2 hours while dining at Waitangi after the marae “incident”. Has it come to that?
    (I’ve also had it reported to me that all his staff regard him as a really nice guy: too bad he doesn’t seem to know what he’s getting into.)

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Part A: yes, it has. He might be a ‘nice’ guy, but he’s made the fatal mistake of cuddling a scorpion. The Maori elite and their radical counterparts will always hate him and seek to use him for what they can get (a pretty successful strategy so far). They will sup with him as long as they perceive him to be useful.

      Part B: he might be a ‘nice’ guy, but he’s deeply incompetent. His cuddling up to people who will always hate him simply for being (browns and greens) shows this.

      • George says:

        I’ve never yet met a maori, man-jack or woman-jill, who respected compromise. They merely see it as weakness and despise those that propose it.

        • Scumsucker says:

          Damned cannibals!

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Damned right, George. And rightly so.

          The corporate IWI and their Maori Party lapdogs have openly admitted they are going to demand more and more until ‘the Crown’ says ‘No’. Now, given that ‘the Crown’ is currently represented by a pack of mendicants cowards and traitors, the word ‘No’ won’t be uttered until We The People get sick and tired of having our pockets picked to fund their blackmail scheme.

          As for the lunatic watermelons, I suspect they can’t believe their luck at having their own sleeper agent in Cabinet. The fact Nick Smith is as mad as a sack full of snakes is beside the point – he is busy implementing the watermelon agenda, and that’s all that matters.

          Fuckers have destroyed my country.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Thanks, Spidey. I just upchucked my breakfast.

      Some nuggets (not saying of what) from your link:

      “Ignorance about Indian history and geography by reporters surprised Ms Samant, who had also been approached to comment on the assassination of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. ” OMFG! Someone from India was asked to comment on the assassination of the Pakistani PM, by media in New Zealand! I wonder if that would be like, say, a newspaper in Nairobi mistakenly asking a Kiwi about corruption in the Australian government? I mean, don’t all antipodeans look and sound alike?

      “The panel discussed the rise of Maori Television, and a comparison with Australia’s SBS channel pointed towards the need for more Asian reporters and editors to be employed by mainstream media. This would enable a more effective engagement with Asian communities to report on stories in a culturally appropriate way, and adjust the current Western-focused news filter.” So, look out for (a) demands for taxpayer-funded broadcasting for each minority (and each subsector of each minority), (b) demands for an inquiry into bias the Lamestream Media. And, why is it up to the host culture to ‘engage’ with newcomers? Surely it’s the other way around? Newcomers should engage with and assimilate into the host? Because if the Newcomers’ culture was ‘better’ than the host, surely the migration would be the other way around?

      Oops …. raaaaaaacccccciiiiiiiisssssttttttt!

      • KG says:

        “And, why is it up to the host culture to ‘engage’ with newcomers? Surely it’s the other way around? Newcomers should engage with and assimilate into the host? Because if the Newcomers’ culture was ‘better’ than the host, surely the migration would be the other way around?”
        Too bloody right! (in both senses)

  6. KG says:

    It sure helps to be half-brown. (or black):
    ‘..SENIOR judges have been criticising the magistrate Pat O’Shane for more than a decade, upholding 88 per cent of Supreme Court appeals against her judgments in criminal matters and ordering half of them to be reheard by other magistrates…’

    Does anybody really believe that a white magistrate would have been cut so much slack, and still be in business?

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Today’s temperature poll on asks: Are we in a Constitutional Crisis?

    Vote early, vote often!

    • KG says:

      98% “yes”! Sure, it’s a conservative site and you’d expect the figure to be high anyway, but if 98% of conservatives are saying that then it’s the best evidence possible that Romney will lose to Obama because he’s no damn conservative.
      The mood is for change, and pretty radical change at that.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I think it’s about to get interesting. Looking at the Drudge headlines, it looks like Santorum is heading into friendly territory in the next 3 primaries (Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri). A win in 2 of those would make it very interesting indeed (although I’m sure the Romney machine has some Santorum-smear ads ready to go for when he takes over from Newt as the ‘not Romney’ candidate.

        • KG says:

          Romney has spent a fortune smearing fellow candidates instead of spending the money attacking the Dems. That tells us a lot.
          The fact is, he’s Democrat in all but label.
          And he’s gambling America’s future on the assumption that conservatives won’t stay home in disgust if he wins the nomination, because they’re desperate to get rid of Obama.
          That’s a large assumption and a reckless bet.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            And that’s exactly why it’s so important for Tea Party Conservatives to take the Senate. A republican controlled House and Senate should be able to control Mitt.

            Emperor Soetero will just ignore them, but Mitt would (I think) at least pay lip service to the Constitution.

            • KG says:

              Hmmm…..that sounds a lot like the compromise that’s usually phrased as “the most important thing is to choose someone who can defeat Obama” ie the “electability” meme being pushed by the Repub Party bosses and the MSM.

              Call me cynical, but I have no doubt at all that if he managed to defeat Obama, Romney would leave in place all the oppressive, anti-liberty measures introduced by the Kenyan and his gang.
              Because at core he’s no different to them.

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                Not sure mate. If he was presented with a bill repealing (e.g.) NDAA, ratified by both the House and the Senate, would he veto it?

                Yes, he’s a thumb-sucking liberal. But he also knows which side of his bread the butter goes on, and I don’t think he would brazenly go against the wishes of the Congress the way Emperor Soetero does.

  8. KG says:

    Hmmm….maori and their apologists are dropping by the “civilization’ thread, but it’s no fun any more. Too much like shooting fish in a barrel and it’s almost making me feel sorry for the clowns.

  9. KG says:

    “Witnesses stunned at mass road rage incident”

    If anybody wants to bet the perps weren’t maori, and wins, I’ll send them a bottle of good wine.

  10. KG says:

    “Yes, he’s a thumb-sucking liberal. But he also knows which side of his bread the butter goes on, and I don’t think he would brazenly go against the wishes of the Congress the way Emperor Soetero does.”
    Fair point. But the President and his Administration are certainly powerful enough to obstruct and delay any real reforms. And they’ll do it in the name of “bipartisanship”.
    You heard it here first. :lol:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Not disagreeing with you. He has no credibility on the repeal of Osamacare, and doesn’t have the stones to fire all of the Emperor’s “czars”. The best a Romney administration will do is slow down the pace of destruction.

      • KG says:

        “The best a Romney administration will do is slow down the pace of destruction.”
        Exactly. Which begs the question: Would it be better for Obama to win, and thus precipitate a major upheaval?
        I’d say yes, except that I simply don’t believe people have what it takes any more.

        • Darin says:

          A Romney administration would be different in one key aspect.
          I don’t believe they would be running around challenging laws such as voter ID and immigration reform in states where the people have spoken at the ballot box and passed them into state law such as Obama and Eric Von Holder are and have been doing.

          Federalism(Statism)has been on a rampage for too long,the only way to effectively reverse it is to prove conservative principles by practice.We must demonstrate principals in action if we do people who are on the fence will come over to our side.If we do this we could have 60 maybe 65% of the national vote locked up and the liberal agenda will be bottled up and marginalized.We have to convince and re-educate the moderate repubs and independants of what conservatism means and then demonstrate it in action.

          My gut feeling is if Obama is re-elected he wins,his view of America will come to pass.If it is met with armed conflict he still wins.The people behind the scenes the Soros’s and the Muslim brotherhoods of the world will still get what they want,a fragmented diminished America.

  11. Katie says:

    For the guys to ogle: Beaver

  12. octagongrappler says:

    This is a sickning piece of propaganda from bernard hickey who sometimes speaks some sense on occassions.

  13. octagongrappler says:

    :evil: why oh why do new immigrants who have been here 5 minutes get a job on $150 k as an MP in My counties Parliment what a joke. does she love nz and will she actually stay once she is finished? Tim Barnett left and went back tot he UK. Parliment is a joke and I dont give a shit anymore.

    Im so MAD!!! I think I will go to the pub and watch SBW fight for the belt.

    sorry crew stuff like this makes me angry

  14. KG says:

    “sorry crew stuff like this makes me angry”
    You’re not the only one, not by a long shot, Grappler.

  15. mawm says:

    BA in philosophy! :shock: and is an expert on parking…… an MP. The quality of our “representatives” never fails to impress me.

  16. Darin says:

    Okay,no shit this isn’t photoshopped either,real photo,Obama shooting a kids Marsh-mellow gun.

    Obama thought cloud”Damn this is what those guys in the NRA are all about”
    Kid’s thought cloud”Lead dammit Lead there’s still a little bit of the Constitution left”

  17. rivoniaboy says:

    To all my fellow lovers of Libery –
    Tax debates are always about “reform” — which always means a slight shift in who pays what, with an eye to raising ever more money for the government. A far better solution would be to forget the whole thing and return to the original idea of a free society: You get to keep what you earn or inherent. That means nothing short of abolishing the great mistake of 1913. Forget the flat tax. The only just solution is no tax on incomes ever, says Jeffrey Tucker in this article, Ninety-Nine Years of Evil, at Whiskey and Gunpowder.

  18. KG says:

    Santorum Sweeps 3 States in Upset

  19. KG says:

    This is odd–nowhere in the news report does it say who was responsible for ensuring compliance with the standards in 1986.
    ‘The Department of Building and Housing says the design and construction of the Canterbury Television building did not meet building standards when it was constructed in 1986.
    The department today released its report into the CTV building; the building collapsed and caught fire in the February 22, killing 115 people.