NZ’s National Party are thieves and traitors.

Muriel Newman:
‘..Unless New Zealanders wake up to what’s going on, there is a very real danger that Maoridom will gain the rights to New Zealand’s freshwater supplies. Before National repealed public ownership of the foreshore and seabed to allow private Maori ownership and control, few would have believed that such an outcome was possible. But we now know politicians will compromise any principle to stay in power – even giving away public rights to common property owned by us all.

….In the past, Maori spirituality has been used to hold power stations to ransom over resource consent applications, with objections based on the potential damage to spiritual values caused by water right consents. Strangely though, spiritual damage can be mollified with cash: in 2010 Ngati Waewae’s dropped an objection to Meridian Energy’s Mokihinui hydro dam as a result of a generous payout, and a few years earlier Contact Energy had to pay Ngai Tahu $1.6 million for water rights for the Clyde Dam and Genesis Energy had to pay Ken Mair’s Wanganui iwi for resource consents for the Tongariro power scheme…’
… All of these developments are occurring against a backdrop of Treaty settlements. Just over a week ago Te Aupouri in the Far North announced their deal – worth over $20 million. It involves the co-management of 90 Mile Beach as well as cash, property, and other agreements including changing the name of Cape Reinga and 90 Mile Beach..’
And there’s much, much more.

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9 Responses to NZ’s National Party are thieves and traitors.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Gee, I wonder why the economy is in the toilet and New Zealand’s best and brightest are fleeing in ever-greater numbers?

  2. KG says:

    Lemme think…..thinking……..
    Nope, escapes me utterly. :lol:

  3. octagongrappler says:

    Honor the Treaty!!!!

    Everthing belongs to Maori in NZ. The land, the buildings the Cities and the sexy blonde Pakeha chicks. :mrgreen:

  4. mara says:

    Key has already promised the maoris the colossally useless and expensive Whanau Ora (money to be pissed into the wind at Hui, eating illegal seafood catches, jetting around the country, speechifying and “empowering” one another) so I despair at the prospect that yet more of our money will be thrown into the black suckhole of fucking “water rights”. Key did “soundbite” that air and water belonged to everyone but he is no longer to be trusted. If indeed he ever was. :evil:

  5. Kris K says:

    It doesn’t seem that long ago when the grasping tribalists had their hands out trying to claim the airwaves [radiowave spectrum]. Now they want OWNERSHIP of all freshwater with the addition of all geothermal energy!!!

    When is this madness going to stop?! And I trust the brown-nosing cowardly Key (like many others here) about as far as the distance between the white feather on his throat and his lying lips.

    If Maori ‘elite’ could they’d claim the rights to the bloody air we breathe … and I ain’t joking! Gee, this makes me wild!

  6. Rich Prick says:

    Well, I claim gravity as mine. And Maori will have to pay me a koha if they want their water to stay put.