Clipboard assholes. Punch one today.

Big floods in Queensland.
‘..They said they community was pulling together to get over the flood but were critical of the performance of some imported SES bosses.
Mrs Humphries said the family had been trying to escape across rapidly rising Bungil Creek with a dozen other cars but were held up, inside the floodwaters, while SES volunteers stopped the lead vehicles to collect their personal details.
Mrs Humphries said it was only when they drove around the queue of cars, with water fast rising around their wheels, and told the SES the cars were in fast-flowing and rising floodwaters, that the cars were allowed to move forward…’
Allowed?? By little nazis? People should just run over the bastards. Back when I were a nipper, there wouldn’t have been any of these pompous assholes around and even if somebody had tried it, he’d have had the knuckles run over him. Then the men would have wanted a word….

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4 Responses to Clipboard assholes. Punch one today.

  1. Darin says:

    Let me guess SES=FEMA?

      • Darin says:

        God help those poor people,first the floods now government sponsored incompetence,what next Locusts?Flaming Frogs?

        The phrase-“I’m from the government I’m here to help you” should strike fear in the heart of every free man.

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