The wrong question

‘Will the world respond to Syria’s humanitarian disaster?’
A better question might be: Why the hell should we care? These people are no friends of ours.

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15 Responses to The wrong question

  1. mara says:

    Why indeed KG. Another interesting question asked in is would intervention actually help the “protesters?” By Brendon O’Neill. “Let’s veto the West’s moral posturing on Syria.” Worth a read.

  2. mawm says:

    Slightly off topic but worth listening to:-

    How to deal with the appeasers of genocide

  3. Darin says:

    I could care less,the whole global hand wringing is just for show anyway.The only way this turns into something is if Obama wants to wag the dog.

  4. Andrei says:

    These people are Syrians and I don’t think Nato intervention would do them any favours and nor do they

  5. Andrei says:

    Video from Syria that you never saw on the BBC not TV Three News

  6. KG says:

    Thanks Andrei. There’s a lot people don’t see on the MSM “news” programs. :evil:

  7. MK says:

    A humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Eygpt and Libya, thanks to the half-assed intervention from obama and his euro buddies.

    Fortunately when the refugees start setting sail, they’ll be heading to Europe, that bastion of tolerance, diversity and multi-culturalism.

    • KG says:

      Yep. And there is nothing we in the West can do to fix the problems in that part of the world.
      If countless billions in oil revenues can’t drag them into the 20th century, then a few cruise missiles and dead Western soldiers surely won’t either.