“let them eat cake”

From a Brit newspaper:
Item 0ne: ‘Greece is now in its fifth year of recession and faces even deeper spending cuts in exchange for bailout funds from Europe and the Inter-national Monetary Fund.’
Item two: ‘Pensions under siege as Bank of England rescue plan leaves a million savers facing poverty
Item three:
MPs spend £400,000 of taxpayers’ money on just TWELVE fig trees for their offices

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4 Responses to “let them eat cake”

  1. Yokel says:

    It’s the Mail. And they now point out that the fig trees are only rented!

  2. Scumsucker says:

    Meanwhile back in New Zeeland we have the spectacle of the major news item being a profoundly deaf/stupid Gween MP giving a whinging maiden speech in Parliament sounding hilariously like a cross between Pontius Pilate and Biggus Dickus of Monty Python’s ‘Life of Brian’!

    • KG says:

      Yeah, they’ve got their priorities right, Scummy. They’ll still be babbling inanities while NZ goes down the gurgler. Because it’s all about feelings, you see….

  3. Katie says:

    For $117 you can get 12 fig trees. And you get to keep them too.