Rivers to cross

Northern Territory style

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4 Responses to Rivers to cross

  1. GW says:

    KG, can’t find your e-mail for some reason. At any rate, you’ll like this – a leftie who actually thinks for himself. They are rare. And you will love the last paragraph.


  2. KG says:

    Thanks GW, I’ll go take a look. Mailing you.

  3. KG says:

    Excellent piece, GW! I’m just staggered that it took him so long to see the obvious.
    And it sure does point out very clearly the huge and spreading evil we’re up against.

  4. Kris K says:

    And I second KG’s comment, an excellent piece indeed, GW.

    When a liberal comes face to face with reality, and finally has his eyes opened, it gives me hope that there might be a few more who will come to the truth. Sadly, and as a realist, I recognise that most on the liberal left WON’T ever reach that stage. We can only do our best to get the truth out there …