TSA perverts:

‘A FEMALE passenger has said she was forced to undergo repeated body scans after an airport employee complimented her figure.
…Mrs Terrell, from Texas, alleges she was told to go through the machines three times after a female airport employee asked her if she played tennis.
When she replied that she didn’t the employee allegedly said: “You just have such a cute figure”.
Mrs Terrell told news website CBS 11 that she felt sexually exploited and was “totally exposed” for the benefit of male staff who watch the scanned images – which give a detailed image of the naked body – in a back room..’    source

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5 Responses to TSA perverts:

  1. WebWrat says:

    My comment over there:
    “I wonder if Lyn of Tawa up the top will get the irony of this?

    There is a photo floating around the net of a Muslim TSA agent, complete with head bag, patting down a nun!”

    • KG says:

      “disgust” is too mild a word, Wrat. :evil:

      • WebWrat says:

        Yeah …. I wonder if commenter Lyn gets it tho?

        I was really pissed off after Trish & I went through security at the Sydney Tower to find a Muslim lift operator waiting for us!!!

        • KG says:

          She won’t get it Wrat. She’d have to actually look at the background to the TSA outrages and ..err..put her brain into gear.
          I don’t think muslims should be airport baggage handlers or any other sensitive job. In fact, to make it easier and to avoid screams of “discrimination”, I reckon they should all be kicked out and no more allowed into the West.

    • Andrei says:

      I have sent KG that photograph – it really is one that fills me with dread