Leftists simply don’t understand ethics. And they hate traditions.

Naming of Navy ships returns to tradition
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, under fire from Congress and veterans for naming ships after fellow Democrats and social activists, plans to announce another round of ship names in the near future that will be more traditional, a Pentagon official tells The Washington Times.
…Mr. Mabus, a former Mississippi governor, broke with Navy conventions in the past three years when he named an amphibious ship, two cargo ships and a littoral combat ship after two social activists and two fellow Democrats…’
And this clown proposes naming another ship the ‘Gabrielle Giffords’. Seems being a politician and getting shot in the head is qualification enough….following that precedent, I look forward to seeing a ship named after Ray Mabus..

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20 Responses to Leftists simply don’t understand ethics. And they hate traditions.

  1. mawm says:

    Details have been released regarding Britain’s introduction of the next generation of fighting ships: The Royal Navy is proud of the cutting edge capability of the new fleet of Type 45 destroyers. Having initially named the first two ships of this class HMS Daring and HMS Dauntless, the HM Ships naming committee have, after intensive counselling, renamed them HMS Cautious and HMS Prudence. The final four ships are to be named HMS Empathy, HMS Nervous, HMS Timorous and HMS Apologist.

    Read on…………

  2. Octagongrappler says:

    opppss affirmative….

  3. KG says:

    Thanks for that link, Mawm. It’s funny, but there’s enough truth in it for it to be sad as well.
    Is there anything else left for these bastards to destroy?

    • Andrei says:

      Once they destroy the military it is game over.

      You know that – we wont all be sitting around in a circle singing Kumbaya and thriving in the age of Aquarius once that is done.

      PS you need to close a tag on this post KG – a broken tag has screwed up your Blog

  4. kowtow says:

    Slightly off topic. Not terribly long ago all storms were named after girls, that’s changed and I have a vague recollection that someone has decided that ships are no longer “she”,but I’m not so sure about that one.

    At least they still salute the quarter deck when they come on board.
    That is a very ancient tradition. I suspect it went back to the Greek and Romans who would have had a ships deity. Then the Catholic fleets,such as Spain and England had a crucifix in place of that. I believe the American navy continued the saluting tradition from the British ( of course after the reformation no crucifix).

    Tradition and history, politicians don’t get it. It’s all about themselves.

    • KG says:

      “Tradition and history, politicians don’t get it. It’s all about themselves.”
      Precisely. And those things are part of the glue which holds societies and culture together.
      Hang on..so perhaps they do “get it”………

  5. Darin says:

    Okay guys and gals let me first say as a life long resident of the great state of Mississippi that I wholeheartedly apologize for the shear stupidity of our former governor.He is an idiot of the highest order and we could not get rid of him fast enough.
    This latest incident is just the latest in a long series of cluster f–ked ideas to come from this chicken fried hick’s excuse for a brain.Words cannot express the embarrassment this cocksucker represents to Mississippians such as myself.
    I can only hope I get to meet him someday and tell him face to face what a no good dirty rotten son of a bitch he is. :evil: Did I mention he’s an A–hole??

    Sorry for the rant,I would have done a better job of it,but it’s been a long day.

    So we were going to have the LCS Independence,but now it’s gonna be the LCS Gabby F’ing Giffords-God save us from these fools :sad:

  6. Andrei says:

    This post and one of the Whale’s inspired this from me and a companion piece will be forthcoming tomorrow perhaps.

  7. Rich Prick says:

    HMS Allahfucca … now that I like.