Open House

This is Toby “Terminator” Tabbycat, an associate of Pompuss’, taking a well earned break from dealing with the Rodent Gang.

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31 Responses to Open House

  1. Andrei says:

    now this is a cat! – I want one of these

  2. KG says:

    Oh yes! Absolutely beautiful cats. :smile: The ridgeback was a bit dim….as are some of the comments under the clip.

  3. KG says:

    My favourite breed of cat. (apart from strays, that is)

  4. Andrei says:

    Hmmm – he’s onto something, actually I realized this quite a long time ago

    We have been taught to think that “democracy” is automatically “the best regime,” the only alternative to any totalitarian state power. Though it has been coming for some time, within these past couple of weeks, we are seeing clearly that the desire, force, and will to subsume all subsidiary social institutions, especially religion and family, under the control of the state is also endemic in current democratic societies. Religion is seen to be, not the “first right,” that popes speak of, but the principal opposition to the utopian move to provide everything for everybody under the benevolence of the all-caring state.

  5. KG says:

    “…but the principal opposition to the utopian move to provide everything for everybody under the benevolence of the all-caring state…”
    Exactly. Which is why the left is waging war on Christianity. And a lot of atheists have become their useful idiots.

    • WAKE UP says:

      Atheists do not exist in sufficient number to have any impact on this at all, and the noisy minority who are being noticed are in fact out-numbered by the useful idiots to be found in all belief/non/alt-belief systems (Muslims, anyone?). Best ignored – or shot.

  6. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Time for some unbearable
    Cuteness. :smile:

  7. Andrei says:

    Perhaps a song about two guys Vasek and Roman and their graves who died after drinking bad vodka might appeal more KG Damn it is good – you may or may not agree

    • KG says:

      I like it, but some subtitles would sure help!

      • Andrei says:

        It’s a song of grief about two boys who died after drinking moonshine and with a love of the rural Russian landscape underlying it.

        Last three verses very roughly

        Some of my friends were buried
        In one of these rural cemeteries,
        Where the warm breeze is dancing in amazement
        Remembering the blue crosses with their names.

        But all my words are useless
        And nothing can be improved.
        I only have to place
        A bunch of daisys into the tin.

        Let it just stand here.
        Let it be the most beautiful
        in this rural graveyard
        of the land named Russia.

  8. octagongrappler says:

    Something interesting here, Every lefty I have asked this question to supports Argentina..The Greens also support Argentina.

    I have spent hours researching this and Argentina never ever owned the Islands grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrleft wing F$%^ Heads… :evil:

  9. KG says:

    Dang! I didn’t know that. Thanks.

  10. The Gantt Guy says:

    Muriel Newman asked the Falklands question on BookFace the other day (when referring to a post at the Breaking Views NZ site). My comment to her:

    I don’t think there will be another Falklands [war]. The UK could destroy the entire Argentine military with the HMS Dauntless alone, and the Argies aren’t stupid. The most likely course is that they’ll run whingeing to the UN. And since the people who actually live on the Falklands want to stay British, it’s a fairly safe bet the UN will give them to the Argies.

    • Kris K says:

      Very interesting, Dondiego, and ties in well with “The Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa” thread.

      Excerpt from your link:

      “An Australian historian has uncovered hidden documents which reveal that African American troops used machine guns to attack their white officers in a siege on a US base in north Queensland in 1942.

      Information about the Townsville mutiny has never been released to the public.
      But the story began to come to light when James Cook University’s Ray Holyoak first began researching why US congressman Lyndon B Johnson visited Townsville for three days back in 1942.

      What he discovered was evidence detailing one of the biggest uprisings within the US military.

      “For 70 years there’s been a rumour in Townsville that there was a mutiny among African-American servicemen. In the last year and a half I’ve found the primary documentation evidence that that did occur in 1942,” Mr Holyoak told AM.”

      Well worth reading some of the comments following the article too.

  11. WebWrat says:

    More on the parasites KG.

    And where do the families come from? It looks like it is only men on the boats. Do mum and the kids get shipped in later, also on the tax payer tit?

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    Timothy Geithner to Paul Ryan: we don’t really have a plan, but we think yours is sucky.

  13. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’ve been watching and listening over the past couple day the outrage over the government inspector who didn’t think a kindergarten student’s parents gave her a sufficiently nutritious lunch, so supplemented it … With chicken nuggets!

    To my mind the argument has been framed all wrong. The outrage has been about the fact the girl’s lunch was perfectly healthy in the first place and shouldn’t have had fried chicken added to it. To my mind, although that is one element of the outrage, it is at best a very minor component.

    To my mind, the very real outrage is the government giving this girl 3 messages: (1) your parents aren’t sufficiently loving or competent to take care of you properly; (2) don’t worry, because the government will look after you – the government will be your mummy; and (3) the government owns you, we can makemyoumdo anything we want, right down to dictating what you can eat. To my mind, THAT is the real outrage!

    • WAKE UP says:

      O’Reilly covered this on Fox the other day. He was outraged – and so am I.

      • Darin says:

        The little girls rights were violated,the proper response from her parents should have been demanding the teacher in question be fired.They should have latched on like a Pit Bull to that issue and not let go until they saw action.

        So not only are they trying to condition her,but it seems they have at least partially conditioned her parents to accept whatever as well.

  14. KG says:

    Out West at the moment. (a long way out West). Back later. Some fascinating comments in here!

  15. The Gantt Guy says:

    Daniel Hannan is among many excellent guests on The Bolt Report tomorrow.