Perhaps we should all be truck drivers?

‘I was sitting at a traffic light yesterday, minding my own business, waiting for it to turn green. A carload of young, loud Muslims shouting anti English slogans including ‘death to all infidels’ stopped next to me. The light changed, the Muslims shook their fists, hit the accelerator and darted off ahead of me. Suddenly an 18-wheeler truck came speeding through and ran directly over their car, crushing it completely. For several minutes I sat in my car thinking to myself “That could have been me!” So today, bright and early, I went out and got myself a job as a truck driver.’
(Thanks, Marc)

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2 Responses to Perhaps we should all be truck drivers?

  1. Darin says:

    A Truckdriver’s wife divorces him,hires a lawyer and takes the poor bastard to the cleaners.Takes his house,his car his kids and his dog along with %30 of his paycheck for the next ten years.This makes him depressed and bitterly angry at lawyers in general.
    But like any good fellow he gets back in his truck and drives.The following day as he’s driving he sees his Priest broke down on the side of the road and stops to offer him a ride.The Priest accepts and off they go.As they are going he begins to share his tale of ill fortune in life to which the Priest sits and quietly listens.
    As they top the next hill the driver sees his wife’s lawyer on the side of the road,goes into a rage and tries to run him down forgetting all about his Priest sitting in the passenger seat.Just as he is about to run the lawyer over he wakes up from his rage,realises what he’s about to do and whips the truck back up onto the road.Afraid of what the priest might think he looks over and says”sorry father I don’t know what came over me just then”

    The priest looks back at him and says “don’t worry my son,I clipped him with the door as we passed”