In the excerpt below, substitute “Illegal immigrant” for the slimy, evasive “asylum seeker” term.

‘Asylum seekers made to feel at home, thanks to a $10,000 welcome pack
ASYLUM seekers are receiving welcome packs of furnishings worth up to $10,000 and food hampers as they wait for their refugee claims to be processed.
Beds, fridges, mattresses, couches and items such as alarm clock radios, clothes hangers and containers for biscuits are being bought in a “household goods formation package” that contains more than 60 items.
The package includes a television with a minimum screen size of 53cm.
A family of five in community detention is eligible for goods valued at $7100.
Families of more than nine can receive up to $9850 in furnishings, the federal Opposition said after Senate hearings this week.
Asylum seeker families in Sydney arrive to a hamper of bread, butter, milk, eggs, other essentials, and cleaning products. Families with a baby can access a $750 pack of basic supplies, while phone and electricity connections are also paid for.
The assistance is on top of free doctors’ visits, dental care, pharmaceuticals, and education, and payments of up to $433.25 a fortnight….’
Andrew Bolt: “..Special consideration is given to providing computers, internet access, mobile phones, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, iPods, games consoles and sewing machines.”

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20 Responses to ENOUGH, FFS!

  1. oswald bastable says:

    Can I seek asylum from the peoples Republic of New Zealand? :shock:

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    This outrage is all over talk radio this morning. Steve Price had Scott Morrison (opposition Immigration Spokesman) on this morning, asking about what the Coalition would do about this were they in power. His answer: quite simple, reintroduce the Pacific Solution. Mandatory detention; Temporary Protection Visas; re-opening Nauru and turning the fucking boats around. You know, all the stuff that stopped this shit arriving in Australia when John Howard implemented it.

    What we have now is the Watermelon/Libertarian policy, where the borders are completely unprotected and anyone is welcomed with open arms. My question is this. I’ve been here for 9 years now, and made a massive positive contribution to the treasury (not to mention raising the national average IQ by a couple points). So, whees my free fucking plasma TV?

  3. KG says:

    I’m so bloody angry about this I didn’t trust myself to comment under the post. In the same paper this morning I see that the ATO is going to crack down on tax-avoidance by tradesmen! So these poor bastards, who drag themselves off to work every day and put in long, hard days – often under awful conditions – are going to be audited by the suits…so their hard-earned can be handed over to illegal immigrants!.
    My wife puts in long, hard shifts despite battling pain, is taxed to the max while we have to work out what’s the higher priority this month–re-register the car or deal with any one of half a dozen other pressing issues…..while the fucking leeches in Canberra continue to throw her money at third-world assholes who don’t even know how to use a bloody toilet.
    I am deeply, dangerously fucked off. Nobody gave these cunts permission to give away my country, to destroy her culture and to reduce ordinary working Australians to servitude in the name of the U.N. or some insane green/left utopian wanker’s dream.

  4. When I saw the story on Yahoo, I thought of you KG.
    For a moment I thought it surpassed anything from Barmy Britain.
    Then, I remembered the tales of ‘asylum seekers’ getting 2 million pound houses in central London.
    GG, I hope the Coalition milks this for all its worth.
    At least Australia does not have the excuse of the EUSSR and ECHR tying its hands like that spineless wimp Dave Cameron alleges in the UK.

    • KG says:

      They don’t have those particular excuses, Fairfacts so instead they use the cover of “U.N. treaties”.
      That’s when they even bother to try and justify this, that is…

  5. oswald bastable says:

    Sort of on the subject, check out Chris Muir’s latest!


    nails it, as usual…

  6. KG says:

    Just one question for Tony Abbott and his gang:
    Will a government led by you give the Australian people a referendum on whether Australia should be signed up to U.N. treaties, and whether we should withdraw from those treaties already in place?
    If the answer is “no” or to equivocate in any way at all, no vote.

  7. Tom says:

    But the article says “the goods remain in the house when the first lot move out”Well the cleaning goods would. I,m surprised that they are expected to clean the place themselves.

    • KG says:

      I hear that the goods very definitely do not remain in the house, Tom. Half the time, these primitives simply don’t understand concepts such as free use or loan. Possession, however temporary it’s supposed to be, means ownership to them and no individual or government agency is willing to jump through all the legal hoops in order to recover the goods.
      So the claim that the goods “remain in the house” is pure fiction.

  8. mara says:

    The only part of this immigrant cluster-fuck that I don’t understand is this. Why is Aust. letting these poor, persecuted folk risk their lives on a leaky boat until they reach Aust. waters where they are then “intercepted?” Why not directly uplift them from the cruel countries which are torturing and murdering them for being muslim.; you know, Indo. & Malaysia . Or am I missing something?

    • KG says:

      “Or am I missing something?”
      Perhaps what you’re missing is Labour’s determination to import and bribe lots of future Labour voters, Mara? And the Green’s demented open-borders mindset? And the very secret influence of the U.N. on supposedly sovereign people?

  9. mara says:

    KG. Should have added sarc. at end. :| I would add to your list, the stupidity of the sheeples who actually believe that tossing that c..t Gillard for the manipulative, narcissist Rudd will improve matters. Re the illegals, I worry whenever I hear that John Key is talking to either of them. Really worry.

    • KG says:

      Ah yes, Mara, what you just added to the list identifies the real core of the problems facing us. Idiots with no brain and a vote.

  10. KG says:

    Some comments under Andrew Bolt’s post on the subject:
    “From the Government’s point of view, they are simply buying families of lifelong Labor voters at $10k a piece.
    We have people in Australia living on the streets or below the poverty line and they are being ignored in favour of Illegal Immigrants.
    Honestly, judging by the fact that the govt does not supply computers, TVs and DVD players to all citizens on the pension or welfare indicates they do not consider them essential items. So what is the justification for giving them to economic asylum seekers?
    Tell me again about the latest job cuts at Qantas, Alcoa, Westpac, ANZ, and Bonds? This while Labor is featherbedding the Queue-Jumpers with our taxes! Yech!
    Julia Gillard is to prepared to give all this to a group of people who just literally uninvited front up at the gate,usually having deliberatly destroyed their paperwork,so we dont even really know their true identities
    Quite ironic given this is the same person when Deputy Prime Minister and the cabinet was debating the merits of a modest pension increase, it is alleged Gillard questioned the increase on the basis of “old people don’t vote labor”
    I wonder if application forms for the dole and the ALP are also included in the package?”

  11. sbk says:

    is not insurance haramm ?…is not welfare a form of public insurance ?

    being infidels…are we not sinners in muslim eyes ?…sinners who provide the tax for the insurance that welfare provides.

    and from wikipedia definition of ‘haraam’

    “It is prohibited in Islam for a Muslim to profit from such Haraam actions. Any believer who benefits from or lives off wealth obtained through Haraam is a sinner.”

    Lets see them try to explain this to Allah when knocking at Jannah door.

  12. Darin says:

    I used to wonder how the welfare class could afford to talk night and day on cell phones,where do they get the money?Then it hit me,they get it from me :idea:

    Turns out I was right :evil:


  13. Flashman says:


    How many hours does a cleaner on a minimum wage have to graft to pay the tax that keeps this unwelcome dross in 3-star hotel luxury?