Europe’s getting interesting:

‘The battle of wills between Athens and its eurozone lenders intensified on Wednesday, with Greece’s finance minister accusing “forces in Europe” of pushing his country out of the euro while his German counterpart suggested postponing Greek elections and installing a new government without political parties…’             source

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12 Responses to Europe’s getting interesting:

  1. Octagongrappler says:

    Yes we must have everyone give up there sovereignty to brussels :evil: Then the Uk Must follow suit, Then turkey and serbia are welcomed to the club :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      If I were a European, living in Europe right now, I’d be very worried indeed, Grappler. This is a fast slide into fascism.

  2. Octagongrappler says:

    I was watching the Morning business show on tv in NZ lastweek. And the Nob on it said the problem with Europe is there is just not enough money? If there was more money and more borrowing it would improve!!! :mrgreen:

    Thats Just the Problem this religion that is Ponzi Finance….

  3. Andrei says:

    Greece is not far off civil war – An Army Coup or revolution?

    Nato “peacekeepers” to keep the peace and to preserve the occupiers interests?

    But Romania is not far behind , the media is on this for some reason Romania’s strife is not getting the same ink.

    We are not too far away from WW3. A year or two at best maybe less – the real question is where is WW3s Sarajevo?

  4. Andrew Berwick says:

    Just don’t forget, kids, that NZ’s nett foreign debt position is basically the same as Greece

    It’ll be our turn soon…

  5. KG says:

    Good points. Greece has something of a history of stroppy Army colonels and generals. A coup wouldn’t surprise me at all.
    I think Romania isn’t getting so much coverage because the place is largely a mystery to most of us.
    Sarajevo 2.0? My hunch is it’ll be somewhere totally unexpected, like France or one of the previous Iron Curtain countries.

  6. kowtow says:

    The MSM are a shallow bunch of pricks that seem to only be able to hype one story at a time. Currently it’s Greece.Then the analysis is poor also.
    I have little sympathy for the Greeks ,this is a crisis of their own making. Mind you they were ably assisted right up to the brink by the EU.Greece was/is corrupt to the core,so is Italy and no doubt those basket cases Romania and Bulgaria are too.Spain not far behind.

    • Andrei says:

      It’s not the Greeks, it is the elites who have done this.

      The boat builders of Corfu, the shepherds of Thessaloniki, the store keepers of Athens they all just get shafted by the elites.

      The only reason we are not there yet (where the Greeks are) is we had more to start with and our elites haven’t squandered it all yet

  7. KG says:

    Can anybody here name a country that isn’t corrupt to the core? I can’t think of one.