Gosh, what a surprise!

‘Two men accused of murdering Polish man Roman Skorek in a Rotorua park have made brief appearances in the Rotorua District Court.
Simon Meka Herewini, 20, and Rawiri James Samuel, 21, appeared in Rotorua District Court today charged with murdering the 64-year-old on January 23…’
And there was I, thinking the suspects would be named something like Alastair McTavish and Thomas Llewellyn!

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12 Responses to Gosh, what a surprise!

  1. pmofnz says:

    Same here. I’d be very surprised if you could find such names in the Rotovegas White Pages.

    A pox on you for suggesting my Scots relations or their Welsh friends could stoop so low!

  2. Flashman says:

    Rotovegas: I’ve always found that a bit of an edgy town. Like Africa, it’s the sort of location where the adventure is likely to find you and one is secretly relieved to get out of dodge with a whole skin.

  3. Brigante55 says:

    The Rotorua park culprits is as your rightly pointed out no surprise and I will once again refer to my previous comments about the actual facts and figures being published showing the cost and numbers relating to crime, and violence and of course The Tweety pie ;) that each and every one of them has their sticky fat greedy brown fingers in that pie one way or another.

    On another front, I cannot believe how stupid the Nz Police/intelligence services are to make public the trial and details of the Urewera trials.
    Its obvious what Tame Iti and his crowd are up to and I’m dam sure its just a smidgin of how many others are out there doing the same.
    Any other country in the world this lot would have been placed in a internment camp in some unknown place and gleaned of what they know.
    And kept there for a very long time, no trial needed its as plain of yer face what they were training for and it sure as isn’t hell Possum hunting..
    But oh no here in lets be Pc New Zealand we give them glory and free publicity and red flag waving to all the other underground training camps to be aware.
    The trial a waste of money a good cleaner would have been cheaper and more efficient.

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

    – John F. Kennedy

    We all know what Maori want and its not the peaceful option.

  4. octagongrappler says:

    :sad: Our first nations people are yet again bringing shame upon our once great nation…

    I remember as a kid going to rotovegas and throwing coins off the bridge to the local maori kids, who would dive in and get them. :mrgreen:

    • Cadwallader says:

      Those same kids may well now happily throw your corpse from that very bridge. (Without your wallet!) :mrgreen:

      • octagongrappler says:


        • brigante55 says:

          :shock: That is of course after they had emptied your pockets and took your wallet and anything else of value you just happened to be carrying, oh yea and if your shoes were any good they would probably be gone too :roll: :lol:
          Funny but true ;-)

  5. WAKE UP says:

    It’s a competitive call, but I think the last place in this country I want to go to is Rotorua.