Schoolteachers. At the forefront of the war on the West.

‘Parents in Tampa are the latest to protest school officials inviting a controversial Muslim civil liberties advocacy group to speak to students.
…“We do not have a problem with Islamic groups speaking with students, but we do have an issue with a group that has ties to terrorism speaking,” Randall McDaniels, head of the Jacksonville Chapter of ACT for America, one of the groups actively seeking to stop CAIR members from speaking to students in public schools, told
…Michael Rubin, a resident scholar with the American Enterprise Institute who focuses on the Middle East and terrorism, said concerns about CAIR are not unfounded.
“They have been co-conspirators in a terrorism finance trial and seek to stymie debate rather than safeguard it,” Rubin said. “Almost every day, jihadists on religious Internet forums belie CAIR’s claim that religion has nothing to do with terrorism. Ultimately, there is a battle for interpretation going on inside the world of Islam, and rather than seek to win that debate for the moderates and proponents of tolerance, CAIR acts as the jihadists’ offensive linesmen.”                      source

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3 Responses to Schoolteachers. At the forefront of the war on the West.

  1. Andrei says:

    Related to the post below but my son to my utter dismay spent six months studying “The portrayal of Polynesians in the Media” – a year 12 (6th form) topic in i>cringe media studies. Media studies being a vehicle for leftist propaganda.

    You cannot begin to imagine the difficulties we have had with modern Education with my kids.

    The eldest two barely went to school after the fourth form which caused a lot of hair pulling at the time but since they both went on to gain degrees and move to Australia maybe they were better off hardly ever going for the last three years.

    • KG says:

      I have nothing but contempt for most schoolteachers, Andrei. I stress “most”, because there are still some good, honest dedicated ones.
      Perhaps your eldest two sensed that the last three years would have been an utter waste of time…most kids aren’t stupid. Good to hear the Indoctrination Dept. didn’t screw them up. :smile:

  2. WAKE UP says:

    “…“We do not have a problem with Islamic groups speaking with students”

    Well, they should. That’s where it starts; when are these Western dhimmis going to realise that Muslim extremism starts in the “moderate” community? It has to live somewhere.