New Zealand: A pretty little gulag.

‘Anti-smoking ad censors fast food’

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9 Responses to New Zealand: A pretty little gulag.

  1. Andrei says:

    I don’t suppose it matters – who takes any notice of these silly people and their ads anyway.

    I actually feel sorry for people whose prime mission in life is to be a pain in the arse – I just wish the Government wouldn’t take any notice of them but they do mostly because most MPs are drawn from the pool of people , pains in the arses with the power to add taxes to the things they disapprove of – thus they can feel smug satisfaction when the poor are denied their simple pleasures in life by having them priced out of their reach whilst the Government gets more revenue to spend on things they like.

  2. KG says:

    “..who takes any notice of these silly people and their ads anyway.”
    In a single instance, and immediately, perhaps very few, Andrei. But the long term, cumulative effect is very real.

  3. Kris K says:

    Isn’t it great to see the feminazis and now the health-nazis uniting forces.

    From the same ad that removed Piri Weepu bottle-feeding his infant [remember, fathers bottle-feeding their infant children is evil; breast only] we now have scenes doctored for “the good of our health”. I wonder if we’ll hear of a shot which previously featured a church and cross now doctored to show a mosque and minaret?!!

    Gee I get sick of being told how to live my life, and that others feel the need to doctor my reality to make it more ‘palatable’, because I obviously am unable to make informed and freewill choices on my own.

    To all you little inferiority-driven thought nazis:
    When I want your opinion I’ll damn well ask for it. Now piss off and go back to your pulling wings of flies … or to whatever else you get your small-minded jollies from.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    With a graceful seque (since NZ *is* a pretty little gulag) I’ve been watching the Milton Friedman TV show ‘Free to Choose’ from the ’80s. It’s chock full of pure gold, and provides a prescription which would lift NZ out of its welfare-induced malaise within a generation.

    Anyway, I’ve just finished watching Episode 5 – “Created Equal”, in which Friedman argues against any programs to equalise outcomes (while advocating in favour of equality of opportunity). The panel includes (among others) Thomas Sowell and Francis Fox Piven. Watching Friedman and Sowell take Piven to reality school really is a joy to behold. I do love seeing leftist blood on the floor! :lol:

  5. KG says:

    jeez…Piven is an evil piece of work! :evil: And isn’t Sowell a pleasure to read and listen to!
    Thanks for the link Gantt.
    (when are you going to pen another Gantt Rant post? I really enjoyed the ones you’ve done so far.)

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Thank you, KG. Yes, Piven *is* evil – it’s the only word to describe her. I really enjoyed Thomas Sowell shutting her down with reason and logic, and all she could come back with was vile bile and vitriol.

      I’m putting another rant together now – it’s my plan (with concepts stolen – and immaturely applied – from Hayek, Friedman and Mark Levin … I’m also reading Liberty and Tyranny) to rescue my homeland. Of course, nothing I write will be news to the good people and patriots who frequent CR, so I’ll probably have to put it out elsewhere as well (perhaps Facebook, to see if I can make a few leftards’ heads explode). One of the few advantages of being between (paying) gigs right now is I have time to catch up on the reading I want to do, as opposed to that I have to do.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        The other advantage being I haven’t had to shave or put on a tie for the past week and a half (although the first of those luxuries is coming to and end tomorrow, under threat of sleeping on the couch!) :mrgreen:

  6. KG says:

    :shock: shave! Anything is better than sleeping on the couch. :lol:

    Looking forward to the Gantt Rant. :smile: