Eat yer hearts out, greenies!

Taking on 1,500l of diesel…and it gets around one kilometre per litre.

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36 Responses to Eat yer hearts out, greenies!

  1. MK says:

    And don’t forget, it’s mostly used to transport cattle, sheep and small lambs to slaughter houses so that we non-vegetarian meat eaters can eat them.

    Oh and I’ve never ever heard of them being used to move tofu. Those are mainly done by wimpy, useless Pruis’s.

  2. Kris K says:

    Oh, and greenies – since my local authority started charging for rubbish collection [and that without any rate reduction] I have taken great pleasure in BURNING all my [non-metalic and non-vegetable] waste. I like to think of it as a burnt offering to Gaia :mrgreen:

  3. mara says:

    Gentlemen. (and KG who should already know this.) Given the scientific PROOF that humungous vehicles appeal to men who are, erm, insecure in the trouser department, may I recommend the following vehicles for your consideration instead. In one of these, there is no doubting what you are.
    The Ford KA, The Kandi Coco, or my personal fave, The Reva G Wizz .
    I like to be helpful. ;-)

  4. Darin says:

    Jet powered VW Bug-

    “How fast can you go when you turn that baby on?”

    “It’s hard to say,I just pin the speedo at 140mph,laugh hysterically and hope the cops don’t nail me” :mrgreen:

  5. mara says:

    Kris K, on your moped, there is no doubting what you are! :shock: :mrgreen:

  6. mara says:

    Andrei, by an amazing coincidence I know that chap on that monstrous machine. He went to his doctor last week complaining of a problem with his woo woo. He undressed and the doctor, with the aid of strong illumination and a fair degree of patience, eventually located it.
    “And what exactly is your problem with it Pete”? asked the doctor. Pete looked a little anxious and replied “It’s swollen Doc.” And on that, my dears, I rest my case. :cool:

    • KG says:

      It’s no good, guys, Mara has decided that a love of big..stuff..means we’re all under-endowed. And once a woman has made her mind up, she won’t change it for at least ten minutes. ;-)

  7. WebWrat says:

    To tell the truth ….. I have to take half a Viagra pill a day so I don’t piss on my boots.

  8. Flashman says:

    Harry Potter: “I now have a 12 inch dick.”
    Herminone: “Did you use your wand, Harry?”
    Harry Potter: “No. A bread knife.”