‘Government spy programme will monitor every phone call, text and email… and details will be kept for up to a year
Details about text messages, phone calls, emails and every website visited by members of the public will be kept on record in a bid to combat terrorism.
“combat terrorism” my arse. Britain can’t even deport the terrorists they already have, due to EU “human rights” laws and they’re busy importing more radicals all the time. This has eff-all to do with terrorism and everything to do with totalitarianism. 9/11 and the London bombings were a gift to those who are busy enslaving us.

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8 Responses to LIARS!

  1. Kris K says:

    From the article:

    ‘At a time when the internet is empowering people across the world to embrace democracy, it is shameful for one of the world’s oldest democracies to be pursuing the kind same kind of monitoring that has a stranglehold on civil society in China and Iran.’

    Lets be clear, the Marxist left are modelling their intrusion into our lives on places exactly like China and Iran. As KG said above, “This has eff-all to do with terrorism …” What we see happening currently in Britain will become the norm in the rest of the first-world West. The West will remove all rights of its native [especially white] inhabitants while extending to 3rd world immigrants, and especially Muslims, any and all demands to keep them happy. One only needs to look at the way the British state treats the likes of peaceful protest by the EDL compared to the hate-filled and violence-inciting Islamist protests and Imams behind the scenes who openly preach their hate and anti-West rhetoric.

    Coming soon to a [once] democratic nation near you …

    • KG says:

      “Coming soon to a [once] democratic nation near you …”
      Yep, for sure Kris. In a real sense, Britain is now the totalitarian template.

  2. octagongrappler says:

    This sounds like the Stasi…

  3. Scumsucker says:

    In New Zealand the totalitarians are the Gweens.

    Can anyone explain why the NZ media have allowed the fat bitch Meterei Turia to get away with the great lie that she is an ‘anarchist’?


  4. If it really was about terrorism, they’d be tapping phones and keeping records on those frequenting the middle east and spewing anti-western hate.

    The other worry is that the British government is notorious for losing secrets and private information. I think a gaggle of fiercely territorial baboons could guard state secrets better than the incompetents who work for the British government.