Australia’s greenie shadow PM is either a flat-out liar or a gibbering idiot. Or both.

On solar power:
‘SENATOR BOB BROWN: Well, it is the way to go. The Greens have recently rescued the proposals for base load solar power stations, which will go in rural and regional Australia to make sure they are progressing…. We want this country to be at the cutting edge. I repeat, the example is firm and true. In Germany, where they did this because the Greens were in the balance of power, they have created 350,000 jobs. It was the strongest component of the German economy during the recent recession. It’s good economics.’
As Andrew Bolt points out, “ subisided each green job with $240,000 with a net effect of job creation of about zero.”

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3 Responses to Australia’s greenie shadow PM is either a flat-out liar or a gibbering idiot. Or both.

  1. Pingback: Morning Roundup | Cranky Old Crow

  2. Darin says:

    Yep,ecowacks and politicians attempting the impossible and when it fails we get to pay twice.Once when they spend our tax money to build this nonsense and once it fails we get stuck with higher rates.

  3. bob has a history of playing fast and loose with the truth, personally i think it’s some sort of mental illness and he doesn’t really know it.