Just how thick (and dishonest) are maori “academics”?

And yes, the sneer quotes are deliberate. Joke “qualifications” handed out by other academic jokes on the basis of race deserve only derision. Anyway, to the point:
‘..Dr Rawiri Taonui, who is AUT indigenous studies adjunct professor…wants TVNZ to sack Holmes from his role as presenter of ‘s Q&A Sunday morning current affairs show citing what he describes as a “racially offensive” column about Waitangi Day.
….Taonui wrote that Holmes “has a right to his views” but Taonui still wants him sacked…’
So–according to this festering chancre on a baboon’s scrotum, you have the right to free speech just so long as it doesn’t offend the protected species, in which case you still have the right but it’ll cost you your job!
Hit the link for part of the offending column. It’s a beauty. I can’t stand Paul Holmes, but he’s right on the money with this one.

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14 Responses to Just how thick (and dishonest) are maori “academics”?

  1. octagongrappler says:

    I hate P Holmes, But he did a great cover of “lying in the sand” By Hello Sailor many years ago.. :mrgreen:

  2. James Stephenson says:

    I was listening to Paul Henry last week, talking about Waitangi and the Australia Day incident – “Really, both days should be renamed ‘Bundle the PM into a car day’…”.

  3. Redbaiter says:

    Holmes has pandered to these separatists as much as anyone over the years. Its too late for him to start speaking truth now.

    The other question is why is it down to Paul Holmes to say these things?

    Where are our so called political “leaders” on the issue?

    All cowering like the craven cowards they are.

    • octagongrappler says:

      Agreed, The last 2 years since holmes left ZB he has been on an anti pc crusade.

      However he spent 2o years pandering to lefties and natives on his tv and radio show> So its really to late for his boat to change tack.

      Plus the guy has a very checked social life as well :mrgreen: ….

  4. WAKE UP says:

    Holmes was right about Kofi Annan (the “cheeky darkie” comment ) some years ago too, but nobody stopped to think about whether he was – it was all about you can’t SAY that.

  5. Tom says:

    An” indigenous studies adjunct professor”??? Well thats okay then.WTF does that mean??

  6. KG says:

    It means a useless sucker on the public teat. An academic wanker. A useless asshole with pretensions of relevance. A person who in the real world can’t be trusted to tie his own shoelaces. Somebody who leads a very comfortable existence courtesy of the productive. A piece of shit which produces nothing, is worth nothing and knows nothing.
    Wabbit could continue…….

  7. Flashman says:

    An “adjunct” position at a tertiary ed institution means little more than “part-time, casual”. These non-positions are held by the absolute cellar dwellers of academia.

    Which is doubly inconsequential if you think about it.

  8. dondiego says:

    None of these geniuses will admit maries were being indigenous in THEIR OWN COUNTRY up until 4-600 years pre-whitey. :idea: