In New Zealand, this propagandist garbage passes for “research”

‘Study backs ban on smoking outside bars’

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22 Responses to In New Zealand, this propagandist garbage passes for “research”

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    A study of a massive number of people (13 – not a misprint), all of whom are not “smokers” but do smoke, but only because they are so weak-willed and weak-of-character they allow their friends to pressure them to participate. All of whom are so unable to control themselves they demand the government control everybody.

    What better basis for public policy decisions in the Cuba of the South Pacific?

    • KG says:

      “All of whom are so unable to control themselves they demand the government control everybody.”
      Exactly! And in the process, of course, they provide cover for parasites to “research” non-existent “problems”.

  2. Andrei says:

    Mental midgets who are effectively beneficiaries whose existence is tolerated because from time to time they provide the Government with cover to pass ever more laws.

    And to raise taxes

    • KG says:

      It’s an oppressive, never-ending process. And the sheeple aren’t even aware of what’s happening. :evil:
      Some days, despair is the only rational response……
      (And did you notice, the study may be somewhat flawed because it doesn’t include enough women or people of moori descent!)
      New Zealand is becoming self-satirizing.

      • Moist von Lipwig says:

        Mental midgets indeed. Your more experienced “researcher” would have preceded their paper with..
        “The effects of climate change on…”
        To ensure continued funding.

  3. KG says:

    Read this and vomit:
    Yet another taxpayer-funded propagandist gravy train. When are these fuckers going to get a real job? Parasitic swine, the lot of them. There are times when I think the total economic meltdown of the West and ensuing war and anarchy would be preferable to this crap.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      There are times? You mean like ALL the time?

    • Andrei says:

      There is a huge crunch coming KG – I don’t know how far it is away but its going to hit like a sledge hammer when it does come.

      All these worthless gender, media, queer studies types aint gonna know what hit them and they are going to be on their own then.

      • KG says:

        I don’t know what form it will take, Andrei, but come it must. Things can’t carry on as they are indefinitely.

  4. Flashman says:

    On the face of it, the design and findings presented in this research would barely qualify for a B+ grade at an undergraduate level on a 700 Level generic sociology course. This research topic is about as derivative and jeune as it gets.

    And n=13! Ye Fecking Gods!

    Only at a paperback NZ university.

  5. oswald bastable says:

    Ah noooo!- the carbon footprint of a cigarette and won’t SOMEONE think of the poor children!!!!! :shock:

    • KG says:

      Ah well…yes..the children…perhaps we should all slash our wrists right now, Os, and save them?

    • KG says:

      Good links! Thanks, Wratty. :smile:

    • WAKE UP says:

      From the first link: *What this means is that the Obama administration has made a strategic decision to join forces with the Islamists rather than fight them. ”

      Which he’s being doing since Day One.

  6. mara says:

    They are covering this too at .How embarrassing. I fired off a rant to their comments section and am now too dispirited to do another one. When a report of 13 binge-smoking kiddies gets called a peer reviewed University study, it is clearly time for me to find a padded cave and retire from the world for
    quite a while. :sad: :cry:

  7. steve Magendans says:

    FFS ! ARE WE THERE YET !!!!!

  8. WAKE UP says:

    The problem is no longer smoking/tree-hugging/any-other-issue-of-the day, it’s the conspiracy between media and gravy-train. We already know what to do about most of the “problems” (many of them not real), but too many vested interests have too much to lose if we actually DO something.