Screw ’em. And the “prophet” they rode in on.

‘More than 2,000 angry Afghans rallied Tuesday against the inadvertent burning of Korans and other Islamic religious materials during trash disposal at an American air base. They demanded to meet the country’s president over the issue and threatened to demonstrate again if their demand was not met…’
Effing primitive islamists are always angry about something. Perhaps the acid they used to blind schoolgirls didn’t work quickly enough, or the knife they used to perform a clitorectomy had been blunted by sawing somebody’s head off. Or perhaps their neighbour is humping a better looking goat than their own. Fuck these primitive assholes. They’re not worth one Western life, not one dollar and not one second’s consideration. They rant about how great allah whatsisname is, then come to the West and live off our charity and welfare while doing their best to destroy our societies. These people are primitive pigs. Pull every Westerner out of the shit-hole and drop a bucket of Instant Sunshine (TM) on it.
Update: The original report somehow managed to “miss” this:
‘Burned Afghan books ‘extremist”

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4 Responses to Screw ’em. And the “prophet” they rode in on.

  1. Tom says:

    They should have burnt the fucking primatives as well as their nutty book.

  2. WAKE UP says:

    You’d be angry if you were a Muslim too. I mean, imagine waking up to another day knowing it’s gonna be the same pile of crap as the days before and the days to come. :mrgreen: