Greece…not salvation, a hostile takeover.

‘..As part of the deal, the Greek government has committed to enshrine into its legal framework a provision to give priority to debt service payments above all other public expenditure, including its inclusion in the Greek Constitution as soon as possible. This is the sort of thing that prompts revolutions…’     source
I sincerely hope it does. See   ‘Democracy Ends Where it Began’

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4 Responses to Greece…not salvation, a hostile takeover.

  1. Darin says:

    Is this kind of like paying reparations,but without the war?

    • KG says:

      It’s kinda like conquest by bureaucrat. Empire building by the Faceless Ones. Greece is just the first.

  2. Flashman says:

    The comments section on the UK Daily Telegraph relating to this news item is really lighting up. The Euros are waking up to what a poisoned chalice Brussels truly is.

    The Greeks [and the Portuguese] are so buried in debt and “austerity measures” that no private investment is possible in their respective economies. Greece for example has a debt loading of 160% of its current GDP – an impossible situation. Which means that there is no real possibility that they can grow their economies so as to start knocking back their debt.

    The serious option is to default, re-issue the drachma and escudo, take a short hit in the monopoly money tank and then get back into the global economy with a cheap currency that will [among other things] bring the tourists flocking and make whatever manufactured products they produce market competitive on price.

    PS: the comments on a parallel DT shock article pointing out how windfarms are useless for power generation and serve to do nothing but line the pockets of insider trading politicians also so that the penny is dropping fast on the rort that is glo-bull warming. Bloody marvelous!

  3. KG says:

    A good prescription, Flashman, but I suspect the Greek elites would sooner keep borrowing and sovereignty be damned. Germany’s hypocrisy in all this is something to behold too, considering German arms companies sold Greece billions of dollar’s worth of arms, far beyond anything the country really needs even as it was going down the gurgler.
    Now taxpayers all over Europe are picking up the tab.
    Windfarms? The penny is dropping, except for the Boy Wonder President and his cronies–they’re proposing a massive expansion of windfarms, should he win another term. As are Australia and NZ.
    Not easy to pull a pig away from its trough, is it?