Wabbit to Afghan muslim primitives: go screw yourselves!

And the goat you rode in on.
Investigation shows 5 US soldiers responsible for Koran burning
……A group of politically powerful Muslim clerics met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and demanded a public trial in an Afghan court of the U.S. troops involved, Karzai’s office said…’
Get stuffed, you primitive goat-humping kiddie-mutilating barbarian assholes. The only pity is that more korans weren’t burned and you lot along with them. An “Afghan court”?? You bastards take enough time out from disfiguring and mutilating little girls and sodomising boys to run courts? The mind boggles….

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21 Responses to Wabbit to Afghan muslim primitives: go screw yourselves!

  1. Andrei says:

    It is all bullshit – the Korans were desecrated by the inmates who wrote in them.

    The enemy knows that the multiculti morons in the West will buy into this “desecration” crap and bend over backwards to take it up the arse so they play the card.

    The West is committing suicide – it is fucking disgraceful

  2. KG says:

    Yes it is, Andrei.
    And if what I wrote in the post is “hate speech” them I’m relieved to hear it.
    Because I’d be very worried indeed about my moral state if I couldn’t hate the culture and the ideology which produces scum who can throw acid in the faces of women and then play the victim card when their filthy atrocity handbook is burned.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    It’s really, really simple. American forces have clearly outstayed their welcome. They need to be pulled out and leave a couple cans of Instant Sunshine as a parting gift.

    • KG says:

      And it’d be the gift that keeps on giving…come 2050 there’d be an Olympic team of three-legged two-headed footballers. :twisted:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        They keep marrying their first cousins, and they’ll be well in the way to that without the Instant Sunshine. :grin:

        • Katie says:

          Give them 50 more years and they will be sterile or infertile. Conquering them will be a breeze.

          • Kris K says:

            Sadly, Katie, I don’t think we even have the luxury of another 5-10 years. And if Zero gets in again this year I think we’ll have even less.

            Beam me up, ‘Scotty’.

  4. KG says:

    The truly boggling, mind-dislocating thought is that we’re importing the same damn problem!

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    “Imvestigation shows 5 US soldiers responsible for Koran burning”

    Then let’s give them boys a medal, coz they foiled a terrorist plot.

    • KG says:

      Too damn right. Instead, the spineless brass will throw them to the wolves.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        If they let the goat-humpers throw a show trial in their medieval death-cult courts, the outcome should be nothing less than a mass mutiny from every serviceman in that hell hole.

  6. Darin says:

    This whole thing could have been avoided if we simply didn’t take prisoners.

    I hope a money drive to hire those soldiers lawyers gets started like the one Savage did for the Haditha soldiers.Nobody in the Pentagon or the WH is going to defend them that’s for sure :sad:

  7. oswald bastable says:

    If I were the commander of those troops, I would be saying to the towelies- ‘For every one of my men harmed, I burn and desecrate a mosque, with the price going up each time.’

    And I wonder how far a little bucket of sunshine would scatter the hog strapped to it?

    • KG says:

      Research is called for. We need live-firing exercises and downtown Kabul looks like the ideal location.

  8. My question-
    Why do our BEST continue to volunteer-when they are constantly betrayed by the DoD-and the rest of our govt “officials”!

    • Andrei says:

      I think they are hell bent on destroying the military – destroying the morale of the troops anyway they can.

      Personally I think the USA political class has gone insane, either that or they are evil – perhaps both

      • Insane-NO-
        They are EVIL-and know exactly what they are doing-
        They have written plans-
        and followed through-

        Now it is time for us in the US to do the same–or we lose this Republic!

  9. starboard says:

    so I guess I was a naughty boy when I wiped my ass on the koran before setting it alight the other night ? :razz: