Bloody Telstra

Endless, ongoing problems with our wireless broadband here. After innumerable calls to what they laughably refer to as “tech help” and suggestions that the problem is with our computers, the modems, the weather, there are no problems, reboot the computer etc etc etc…and Telstra’s status site saying there are “no known problems”, the tech on the ‘phone right now just admitted that they are in the process of upgrading the local towers to 4G! So we’ve suffered days of intermittent service, which we pay a lot for, because these muppets can’t get their act together. This isn’t much better than fraud.

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9 Responses to Bloody Telstra

  1. KG says:

    Aha! A tech help guy just admitted to a “congestion problem” and changed Gecko’s IP addy to a “priority number”.
    Which is even worse, come to think of it. They’ve oversold capacity, but are able to hand out priority IP’s to some people. Like who? Telstra employees? Their mates? And why should some people get priority when we’re all paying the same on any given plan?

  2. Elijah says:

    That sounds like a BS line to get the you off the phone.

    • KG says:

      Well, that computer seems to be working much faster now. Much faster than it has for days.
      Update: I take that back. The damn connection has gone slow again and it looks like you’re right, Elijah.

      • Elijah says:

        Then it has to be Telstra. Telstra is the best provider. Though they do remind me that best doesn’t equal good.

  3. Viking says:

    Get a decent provider. Call Callplus.

    • KG says:

      Not that simple. We travel constantly, so it has to be wireless broadband and it has to be the widest possible rural/remote area coverage.

  4. KG says:

    :lol: I just assumed he was talking about an Oz company, Gantt. Silly me.

  5. KG says:

    Update: Well well! I just got an English-speaking (really) tech help guy who’d had an honesty transplant. He admits to a long-running problem with the local tower. “known issue”, “congestion”,”looking at solution” and the engineers “are aware the tower is overloaded”.
    So the bastards are guilty of deceptive conduct at least, since they’re still selling wireless broadband for this area.
    I just made out a complaint to the Telecoms Ombusman. Not that I’m hopeful of any useful outcome. :evil: