Open house.

And to begin, this link, via Zen Tiger:
Britain’s war on families and its results’
It almost makes Sharia law look attractive….

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33 Responses to Open house.

  1. KG says:

    Come to think of it, perhaps the reason so may people are adopting or converting to islam is because the Christian churches no longer offer clear moral guidance. From the linked article:
    ‘..On 30 July, 2003, the Bishops of the Church of England issued a paper, “Being Human, a Christian Understanding of Personhood,” which declared that “committed relationships” were as good as marriage and that the sanctity of marriage should be questioned. It praised “committed relationships” rather than marriage as “the right background for sex.” One of the main authors of the report said divorce could have a “redemptive dimension.” Marriage, on the other hand, could shelter abuse and rape, and stifle personal development. This report was made by the Doctrine Commission, authorised by the Archbishop of Canterbury…’

  2. Redbaiter says:

    The churches, like most of our public institutions, have been taken over by the left.

    We’re done KG.

    There’s nothing left to fight for in NZ.

    • Ciaron says:

      Have done. Members of our congregation quite openly criticize the Cathedral and their liberal/heretical leanings.

      Hey where has Mara’s comment gone?

    • ZenTiger says:

      The Catholic Church (Vatican) hasn’t. The USA Bishops are showing some mettle here and there too. They will be targetted even more for its steadfastness, and unfortunately many Priests and Parishoners are infected with progressivism, but also many are not.

  3. KG says:

    Can’t argue with that, mate. Seriously, all that’s left is to carve out a corner somewhere, as far from the tentacles of the State as possible and watch what we regard as civilisation unravel.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Canned food, bottled water and plenty of bullets.

    I used to think survivalists were whack jobs. Now, I’m looking up prices at the local gun shop.

  5. Flashman says:

    It’s only sick, lame Britain.

    My concern is the flood of ex-pat poms into New Zealand bringing these Blairist nanny state values with them like an ebola virus.

  6. Redbaiter says:

    “My concern is the flood of ex-pat poms into New Zealand bringing these Blairist nanny state values with them like an ebola virus.”

    Damn right.

    Their political views do much more damage to our society than foot and mouth.

  7. KG says:

    That was quick:
    ‘Formal charges are to be filed this week against suspect Staff Sgt. Robert Bales’
    And the Fort Hood killer? When will that come to trial?
    One will be held quickly, to appease muslims.
    The other will be held off as long as possible, to minimise the outrage and demands for a realistic sentence.

  8. mara says:

    The ex-pat Poms I meet flee Britain because of the ghastly political correctness and rampant immigration of deadbeat and alien types who cannot or will not contribute anything positive to what remains of the culture. They come here to escape that crap, not bring it here. In much the same way that Sth Africans leave to escape black violence and corruption. Generally none volunteer this at first aquaintance, but the truth does out. We must move in different circles.

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    Obama’s America: Peace-time Martial Law

  10. WAKE UP says:

    I hear that the NAACP has complained to some United Nations “human rights” committee about the matter of voter I/D in America..

    Here are some of the members of that “committee”: Libya, Uganda, Saudi Arabia, China. :wtf
    When are we going to put the United Nations out o f our misery ? :evil:

  11. WAKE UP says:

    Oops , that last “USA” is typo sorry :oops:

  12. Octagongrappler says:

    See John KEE I mean Key was on Breakfast TV today saying that Auckland is ready for another property boom. Fuelled by Immigration and his NWO Banker mates.

  13. WAKE UP says:

    Flashman says: “It’s only sick, lame Britain. My concern is the flood of ex-pat poms into New Zealand bringing these Blairist nanny state values with them like an ebola virus.”

    No Flashman, most of the Brit expats we are getting here are fleeing from that crap. Ditto South Africans. And we’re going to need them with us when the REAL battle against the rag-heads surfaces. Which it will.

    • Flashman says:

      With respect.

      Blairist poms gravitate naturally to “employment” in NZ government departments and local government. Look around. These outfits are full of these Doncaster denizens.

      They are right where they need to be to inflict their ‘elf n sufftie, moollee culltral pox on this country.

  14. KG says:

    Never mind the rag-heads…we have more to fear from our own “leaders”…
    Oswald Bastable has the details.

  15. mara says:

    There’s a new Samoan magazine, The Apia Financial Review which proudly states its position on Media regulation in Samoa. It’s a pissant little rag btw and is going the way of all ‘enlightened western” media. …….. “Media regulation is a counter-intuitive measure to freedom of expression, which is a fundamental pillar of democracy … blah blah … the value of free press ….blah blah . Media regulation should only be used AS A MEASURE TO ENFORCE ETHICAL JOURNALISM, and not as a method of control, for free speech should never be compromised.” (my caps) Who should be surprised when their “big bro” Aust. has lit such a blazing path of media “freedom.” :rant

    • KG says:

      Look at what’s being attacked by the “progressives” and you see those things which stand in their way.
      And their way is totalitarianism, nothing less.

  16. KG says:

    hmm…cleaning up some minor flooding here. It’s going to be major flooding by morning. :popcorn

    • Darin says:

      No problem,just empty out a couple beer kegs and lash them together into a raft for the rest of the beer because in times like these it’s important to keep a clear head :grin:

      • KG says:

        Quite so, and obviously good advice. Right now, Gecko has been rescued from work and we’re working on topping up the RBL. (reserve beer levels). If one starts from a high base, then less beer is necessary on the raft. Leaving room for cigars.

  17. Octagongrappler says:

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…………………………………….. :evil:

    • KG says:

      Somebody please tell my why this shouldn’t be called what it is: Cultural genocide.

  18. octagongrappler says:

    Its what they want!! And no many times they try to deny it like gillard promising an end to krudds BIG Australia. I remember that wanker chris evans saying study for residence is over and that a demand rather than supply model will replace it.

    Well 2 years later its back on and the tertiary schools lost money and the govt has started this ponzi scheme yet again.

  19. KG says:

    I would love a clear answer from Tony Abbot about whether he will stop these scams. Or not.