Gangster government:

‘..Today, Obama has an enemies list. The IRS is investigating conservative political groups, including the Tea Party, who oppose Obama’s agenda.
Just since the first of this year, Tea Party groups in Hawaii, Texas, Ohio, California, Kentucky, and Virginia report receiving inquiries from the IRS challenging their claim to non-profit status.

Up to 80 conservative/constitutionalist groups, including 9/12 Project groups around the country have reportedly received these letters. The IRS letters all come from a single office of the IRS in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The letters contain lengthy questionnaires asking for information well beyond the facts necessary under the IRC to establish the legal parameters of the 501(c)(4) designation…’   via Gates of Vienna
Update: Ronbo has more.

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6 Responses to Gangster government:

  1. Ronbo says:

    That’s not the half of it….

    Obama has declared himself dictator of the USA:

    • Ronbo says:

      I might add on the same date the Czar of Russia stepped down….

      This date was NOT picked by accident – bold moves on historical dates are par for the course with Communist revolutionists like Obama.

  2. KG says:

    Thanks Ronbo–I just updated the post with a link to your piece.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Of course it was pre-determined that this Manchurian Candidate would be President. It is the culmination of a half-century of gramscian infiltration. Who paid for his education? Did he get into Columbia, and then Harvard, as a foreign student?

      Breitbart said they were going to “vet” the President, but how do you investigate a chimera? How do you dig the dirt on a column of smoke? Those with the resources to do the vetting are all determinedly running interference for the regime (see Soledad O’Brien on Critical Race Theory for but one of the more egregious examples).

      And increasingly (or perhaps it’s just late and I’m tired) I’m thinking Romney 12 is just a re-run of McCain 08.

      Yawn. The west appears lost. Pass the popcorn, batten down the hatches and load the shotties, it’s gonna be a long, dark winter.

  3. KG says:

    “The west appears lost. Pass the popcorn, batten down the hatches and load the shotties, it’s gonna be a long, dark winter.”