Latest ‘Woodpile Report’ up.

‘..A government which discounts the people is an aristocracy not less than that of King George, no matter how well-intentioned or enlightened it imagines itself to be. Unconstrained governance is irresistible, it’s the power of royalty, the power to coerce without consequence. Even elected officials are less concerned with elections than one would suppose, with auto-funding and redistricting the turnover in Congress is less than it was in the old Soviet Union. Deceiving and manipulating the populace has a cumulative price for the nation however, it disconnects the governed from the government until at last DC becomes sufficiently remote from the people for it to represent only itself. When this point is reached American self-rule can rightly be said to have failed, We the People will have become We the Government…’        HERE

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5 Responses to Latest ‘Woodpile Report’ up.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    “it disconnects the governed from the government until at last DC becomes sufficiently remote from the people for it to represent only itself”

    The same can be said for every Capital in the Western World. Canberra, Wellington, London. All consist of a permanent political class deserving of nothing more than a short rope and a long drop.

  2. KG says:

    “All consist of a permanent political class deserving of nothing more than a short rope and a long drop.’
    AMEN! to that.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    I just finished listening to the podcast of the Mark Levin show from today. At the end of the show, The Great One was wondering where in the world he might find liberty, and suggested a number of people have recommended he look for her in New Zealand. I just left the following comment on his FaceBook wall:

    “Mark, I just finished listening to your podcast of today’s show, and right at the end you mentioned you might find liberty in New Zealand. Well Sir, I come from New Zealand and I can tell you, Lady Liberty is not to be found there. New Zealand is the place to visit if you want to see the ravages of socialised healthcare, rabid environmentalism and ratchet socialism. Helen Clark, the Head of the UN Development Program (one of the more corrupt components of the UN, and you know that’s saying somethin!) was Prime Minister of New Zealand for 9 years. New Zealand, a country of 4.5 million people, is shedding her productive capacity at a rate of 50,000 per annum. Government spending is running at somewhere around 45% of GDP. We have a huge percentage of statist utopians per head of population. New Zealand led the world into the Global Financial Crisis, officially entering recession a full 8 months before Lehman Bros collapsed. Nossir, New Zealand has a massive amount of potential, huge mineral reserves and the best grazing land in the world, but best to wait for the collapse before trying to rebuild.”

    :popcorn :whoop


    • KG says:

      Spot-on. Why anybody would think liberty is to be found in NZ (and lately, Australia) beats me.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Well, he can’t say I didn’t warn him. Although, I kinda like the idea of Levin dumped n the middle of Auckland, or Wellington. Like that movie … ‘Dirty Harry Goes to Woodstock’