Amazing, what a little rain does…

The Burdekin River, Queensland, just up the road from us. A few days ago it was just a series of connected pools. So much for the Gillard government Climate Commissioner’s “permanent state of drought” rubbish…Click the pic for full size.

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14 Responses to Amazing, what a little rain does…

  1. Darin says:

    What kind of rainfall totals did you manage?

    We only managed 6-1/2″ here since yesterday,heaviest was just over 3″ in one hour lastnight.

  2. KG says:

    Heaviest here was 12″ in one night, Darin. The heaviest I’ve ever known was in Brisbane, years ago when we had 9″ in an hour. That was interesting.

  3. KG says:

    We’re now in Townsville for the next 2 days. Sitting by the sea, drinking beer. :razz:

    • mawm says:

      Catastrophe averted. :whoop

      • Darin says:

        Whew,that’s a relief,I had just sent off a strongly worded letter to the Red Cross inquiring why such an essential survival supply isn’t offered as standard fair after an emergency :rant

  4. KG says:

    It was a damn close-run thing, Mawm. Now my mate–who just finished a run of busy night shifts in E.D.–can get some sleep. That’s if the cockatoos in the tree above the cabin would just stop snipping off palm nuts. Which fall on to the metal roof… :roll:

  5. KG says:

    :lol: Good idea. But then she’ll wake up feeling hungry and we’ll have to go on a food run. I hate that. :sad:
    She just got a pic of the hooligan Palm cockatoo snipping nuts. The place looks like a bomb hit it, with the wreckage he’s created. These things can cut through high-tensile wire mesh. :shock:

    • mawm says:

      That’s an awesome beak they have. :shock:

      I’m sure you don’t really mind taking Gecko off for a feed. How about a good fry-up – eggs , bacon, tomatoes, beef bangers, mushrooms and kidneys. All on some toast …. and, of course, a cold xxxx. :roll:

  6. KG says:

    :shock: Well, that’d be an entree for Gecko. I’d throw up before we got to the bacon….
    Problem is, I never get hungry. Gecko’s never not. :lol:

  7. KG says:

    I can recommend it. There’s a nasty rumour going around that there may be some long-term ill-effects associated with it, but that’s just a disinformation campaign by the Atkins Mafia.
    Any scientist knows that caffeine neutralizes the ill-effects of nicotine. Stands to reason. Obviously.
    Currently researching the synergistic relationship between Cuban cigars and beer. Back in a bit.

  8. If only we could send the bill for all those stupid desal plants the easily frightened labor governments built to these warmist alarmists.

    • KG says:

      Apparently the plants cost millions a year in upkeep even when they’re not used, RWT. I’d love to see the money trail for the contracts awarded for these plants.