Eternity Road closing down?

This is a sad, sad announcement. Damn. One the the finest conservative voices out there, and certainly the one I enjoy the most. Damn.

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8 Responses to Eternity Road closing down?

  1. Moneo says:

    I love how eloquent he is, I hope it is not a family tragedy that is forcing him offline.

  2. mara says:

    Not good news. I wonder what’s going on to have caused it and hope he’s OK.

  3. Darin says:

    Wonder what gives?

  4. medusa says:

    A huge shame, I wonder if this is the beginning of the half breeds agenda to silence anyone who criticizes him and his administration? :rant

  5. WAKE UP says:

    Whatever it is, I send the great Francis Porretto my very best wishes, and hope that all will be well.

  6. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Yes…Damn…just… Damn. :sad:
    His post “A Piper At The Gates Of History” 3/23/12 gave me an uneasy feeling.
    Mr Porretto and his fellow contributors will leave a huge hole in my blogroll.

  7. KG says:

    I just tried to download the complete archives as Francis invites us to, but they seem to have disappeared. :sad:

  8. KG says:

    There’s a discussion under Francis’ ‘Hunger Games’ post which sheds some light on the matter.