Open house

Of bikinis, beer and bullcrap.  Add your 2c worth.

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58 Responses to Open house

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Oh I plan to add a SPOONfull of ranting very soon :mrgreen:

  2. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Francis Porretto can be found again… at Liberty’s Torch. :cheers

    • Moist von Lipwig says:

      There’s more to this than a couple of prayers kowtow.
      Going back to 2008 David Drew raised numerous concerns about child protection, heating failures, cold babies, understaffing and bullying at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, where had been medical lead for the paediatric department . As well as concerns about consultant who let a child with suspicious injuries go home, despite ‘serial warnings from other staff’.

      In other words a whistle blower.

      The ‘SYSTEM’ have been trying to excise him since. They finally played the “God Card” in a last ditch effort to silence him.
      His response is quite humbling.
      “The truth is that Employment Law and PIDA are not fit implements for adjudicating the cases of clinicians that have raised genuine, detailed, honest and sincere concerns about patient care. That is all I did. I have a clear conscience. There is something fundamentally wrong with a system that can judge a highly motivated, dedicated, professional like me guilty of gross misconduct and insubordination after 37 years of blameless service. But this is not the greatest injustice a man has had to suffer and I will live with it.”

  3. oswald bastable says:

    Went out for a spot of fishing and the stags were roaring a couple of hundred meters away. Time to swap rod for rifle.

  4. KG says:

    Mailing you, Oswald. (if my connection doesn’t crap out yet again)

  5. octagongrappler says:

    As promised as on tv one, the Spoon says this is our future workforce “his words” enjoy. :mrgreen:

  6. WebWrat says:

    And the horse one KG.

    • KG says:

      I’ll go take a look. All I know about horses is that they have a leg at each corner and no brakes…. :roll:

  7. KG says:

    But at least you don’t have to keep the ball centred. :lol:

    • WebWrat says:

      But you do have to keep them off your feet! I’ve got my leg in plaster now because of two broken bones in my foot!!

  8. KG says:

    :shock: That never happens in cowboy movies.

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’m gonna interrupt you cowboys with your love of tennis, golf and women’s beach volleyball to tell you it’s one week until I head off to Byron Bay for Bluesfest 2012. Mrs Gantt bought the tickets for me several months ago (before my employment … hiatus) and has insisted I not sell them. She’s a wonderful woman.

    Once in a lifetime opportunity. The line-up includes… all this goodness.

    Am really, really looking forward to seeing Trombone Shorty.

    I’ve just finished watching a series called Tremé. The series itself is pretty good – set in New Orleans post-Katrina … but the music is something else again. Just amazing.

    • KG says:

      Lucky bugger! Please tell Mrs Gantt we think she must be a wonderful woman too. Definitely a keeper.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Mate, she’s put up with me for >2 decades. If she was going to kick me to the curb she would have done it before now (he says with hope and a little desperation :smile: )

  10. KG says:

    I’ll stick to motorcycles–it’s safer. Mind you, I’ve known a few Malevolent Mares in my time. But never suffered a broken foot as a result. ;-)

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    Just another interruption to let you all know: New Zealand … I’ve fixed it.

    Carry on with your horses, and golf, and women’s tennis.

    • KG says:

      Good man! Now all you have to do is drag the rest of NZ along with you. Well, with your plan, at least.
      Great post.

  12. Darin says:

    New conservative movie coming out-Runaway Slave-examimes the Democrat Plantation and the Statist desire to enslave all of us-

  13. KG says:

    Take a look at this.
    EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches
    Obama silent while Saudi grand mufti targets Christianity

    • Kris K says:

      What’d ya expect from the Muslim in Chief?!

      Zero is not only satisfied with putting Israel under the Muslim bus, but clearly he is also equally happy to consign Christians and the church to the same fate – and you can bet not just in Islamic majority countries.

      When is Christian/moral America going to rise up and kick this Muslim arsehole to touch and send him back to Kenya [after he’s served time for fraud, corruption and treason, of course].

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yeah, and after his election he’ll have even more flexibility to throw Israel under the bus.

    • Kris K says:

      From KG’s link:

      “It’s just unprecedented to reveal this kind of information about one of your own allies,” Bolton said.

      Anyone who still thinks Zero [and his administration] is an ally of Israel [or the West for that matter] is a self-deluded moron … or a one-eyed useful idiot Obama supporter – not that there’s any difference.

  14. WebWrat says:

    I hope there is plenty of leftards in the front ranks when the Israelis open up!

    • KG says:

      Dangerous times, Wratty. This para caught my eye:
      “..Like the Gaza Flotilla, the Global March depends heavily on harnessing Western useful idiots, whom it needs in order to avoid looking like the Iran/Hamas ethnic cleansing project that it is. Like revenants summoned from their crypt, the living dead of the left, widely discredited, morally bankrupt and repugnantly shrill, rise to the call of their Islamic masters…”
      Precisely. And the Western press will play its part, no doubt.

  15. Cadwallader says:

    I was a bit off colour earlier in the week so sat in bed and watch “Exodus” (1960.) The strength of character of those who returned to Palestine from British camps in Cyprus was impressive. The film itself is too long and too weighted towards zionists but it does exemplify the wonder that is Israel.

  16. mara says:

    Hey boys, someone had to rain on your parade(that being life) so it might as well be me with wondering why Oswald and co have to shoot animals for sport and pleasure. What is it about seeing a beautiful creature in nature and having to put a bullet in its body and watch it collapse in mystery and pain? Yes I eat meat too and I accept meat works doing this business but I will never understand how a civilised man takes pleasure in the killing of a wild beast when that killing is not essential or necessary to his survival.

    • KG says:

      G’day Mara. It doesn’t rain on my parade at all. :smile:
      Firstly, Oswald (and me) go to great lengths to make a clean shot, so the animal dies as quickly and painlessly as possible. And that’s a damn sight better than an animal in the wild which dies of “natural causes” ever gets.
      We also don’t kill what we can’t eat, vermin excepted.
      Second, hunting doesn’t have anything to do with what’s necessary to our survival. The killing per se doesn’t give us pleasure. The hunt and outwitting an animal in it’s natural habitat does though.
      Men are hardwired to hunt, and if you accept that women are hardwired to nuture then you must also concede our evolutionary drives as men.
      If not the hunt for an animal, then men will express the instinct in other ways, not all of them socially desirable.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      If I might chime in for just a second here (not wishing to steal KG’s thunder, but merely to offer a slightly different perspective)…

      While not all men hunt*, those who do – at least those with any self-respect – will kill only that which they can eat. Also (and this is the kicker for me) come the collapse, when the world looks like something out of a disaster movie, it will be men who hunt (along with those with other ‘hard’ skills) who survive and thrive. Can’t hunt? Starve. Or become friends with those who can and do (hunt, that is).

      *last time I checked, The Gantt Guy was a man and as far as I want to know, my fillet steak comes not from Daisy the Cow but in convenient meal-sized portions from my friendly neighbourhood butcher’s shop.

      • KG says:

        “…but in convenient meal-sized portions from my friendly neighbourhood butcher’s shop.” :lol:
        Mine too, lately.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I would add that these skills (hunting being the topic of conversation) are not ones that any old Gantt Guy can just pick up. One assumes, for example, that bringing down a deer is not as simple as pointing the bit of the rifle with the hole in it at said deer and squeezing the trigger. One imagines they are skills that need to be practiced, honed and perfected.

  17. KG says:

    I’d add that we probably have a damn sight more respect for–and knowledge of–the animals we hunt than some latte’ sipping girly man who makes all the right noises about how barbaric hunting is, then goes home to eat meat from an animal which died in confusion and terror at an abbatoirs somewhere.
    But then, the reality of killing is at a sufficient remove, and done by people he likely despises, that he can eat his scotch fillet with a clear conscience…

  18. KG says:

    A proper rifle is something along the lines of the Marlin .450 . But unfortunately, they cost too much to feed.
    They also dislocate shoulders and deafen the neighbours. Other than that, the perfect all-round tool.
    From the review: “This is a tool for protecting your life in challenging climates against big dangerous things that want to eat you or otherwise rearrange your various organs.”
    Beats playing g*lf. :grin:

  19. KG says:

    Good grief!
    Up to a thousand patients dead and the cow walks away with a 1 million+ pension!