Bleeding the West

A sob-story about a family crowded into a four-bedroom house in Christchurch:
‘A family of 11 are living in a four-bedroomed state house in Shirley, as Christchurch’s rental housing drought continues to bite.
Three are sleeping on the floor. There is only one bathroom, and they take shifts watching television in the lounge.
The extended family of Somali refugees say they are living in Third World conditions. Because of limited hot water supplies, the only shower in the house has a roster.

“In some parts of the world people are living in Third World conditions, but it is not acceptable in New Zealand,” resident Naema Warsame, 33, said.
…”There has always been prejudice here, but the shortage of houses from the earthquake and the recent knife attacks have made everything even worse,” her cousin, Sahra Ahmed, said.
“People are struggling and it has brought out the worst in them.”
…..Hayden (Refugee Services spokeswoman) said Warsame’s family had turned down three houses in Christchurch because the family thought they were in the wrong suburb or too damp’
The most striking aspect of this story is the massive sense of entitlement. These people supposedly flee life-threatening conditions, and they now have the luxury of refusing accommodation that’s offered to them! A casual mention of “recent knife attacks” as though they’re a normal part of the landscape, no sense of shame that Somalis have a reputation for forming violent gangs and preying on their hosts. As for the claim that landlords told her over the ‘phone that they “don’t accept Somalis”, I’m calling bullshit on that one. A landlord could pick out a Somali accent on the “phone? yeah, riiight. It’s a blatant attempt to play the race card. And how many of these bloodsucking primitives are actually, know..working? I’d love to know the total cost to the NZ taxpayer of this lot and others like them.
Here’s my suggestion to fix your problem. Ms. Warsame: Piss off back to Somalia and take the rest of your leeches with you. They don’t have the same prejudice due to knife attacks (or damp houses in the wrong suburbs) there.

And here’s the difference between these African barbarians and most Asian refugees.

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32 Responses to Bleeding the West

  1. Tom says:

    All I can say is fuck off back to your own shithole .

  2. Scumsucker says:

    Fucking good post Mr CR.

    I wish DP Farrar had balls a fraction of the size of yours! :-)

  3. Tom says:

    On second thoughts perhaps us taxpayers could buy them a house on Remuera Road.Plenty of large places there and maybe the area would be acceptable to them.

  4. octagongrappler says:

    We need to open our hearts to these people ok, stop this bigotry :mrgreen:

    Infact we should have a telethon for the somalian community :gunner

  5. Cadwallader says:

    Yawn! This is fodder for the Standard. (PS They can piss off back to their stone-age roots.)

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    There are only three words I can think of the describe these savages.

  7. “As for the claim that landlords told her over the ‘phone that they “don’t accept Somalis””

    Considering the whining and knife attacks, would anyone knowingly let them have their house. If I had a house to rent out and this was what I could expect, I’m sorry but I will be discriminating against leeches and parasites of all colors. Because if my house gets trashed, none of the multi-cult ratbags will be around to fix it all up again.

  8. KG says:

    “Because if my house gets trashed, none of the multi-cult ratbags will be around to fix it all up again.”
    Exactly. Which is why our house in NZ is sitting empty.

    • octagongrappler says:


      I have a family of 7 from Sudan that would like to rent your house?? They can pay $150per week and WINZ will pick up the rest.. :mrgreen:

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    The entitle-itis aside, the maths here is terrifying. The average kiwi family is what? Mum, dad and 1 or 2 kids? Assuming this is an average-sized third world refugee family, we’re talking Mum, Dad and 9 kids! How are we supposed to believe this is anything other than a fucking invasion?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The problem is described, articulated and documented in this one statement: “…State Multicultural and Citizenship Minister…”

      Previous generations have had assimilation as their goal. Now, we are told all cultures, all societies are equal and all must be respected (or condoned, or knelt-down to) when the very fact so many are fleeing their culture and seeking ours makes a lie of that statement. But then, irony has never really been the left’s string point, has it?

      • octagongrappler says:

        Diversity is banned in my house!! Or the word is :mrgreen:

        Soon it will be a crime to just date people from your own culture. :popcorn

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Really? But aren’t you and spoon man on first-name terms? I would have thought Diversity was your middle name, Spidy! :shock:

  10. mara says:

    I spent some time selling real estate in Mt Roskill dealing with Somalians and other imports. Houses that had been infested with the former in particular were slow sellers because only agents with strong stomachs wanted anything to do with them. Rancid, unventilated, filthy hovels inhabited by surly primitive people hiding under rags and blankets while getting welfare and visits by do-gooders … I could go on. :gunner

    • KG says:

      But..but..they’re your equals Mara!

    • octagongrappler says:


      when I was growing up mt Roskill was always known as a white middle class bible belt dry zone!

      These days Mt Roskill shops look like khandaha or Kabul :mrgreen:

  11. Mark says:

    It’s time to screen refugees on thier beliefs and we should only take those that are christain in thier beliefs and if they are muslim then they can go to muslim countries like Iran, Iraq, etc where I am certain those dropkicks will be looked after so much better by the state.

    • KG says:

      Yep. They can blow one another up as an expression of muslim solidarity. :popcorn

    • octagongrappler says:

      Its time to let migrants in who actually fit intp the kiwi culture and way of life!!

      That goon Farrar says there should be no selection based on race,religion or cultural beliefs only skills!!

      70% of migrants come from Asia, WHY!!

      Because only they are willing to pay 60k for a degree at a uni thats why!!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Mate, have you stopped to think that maybe they *are* letting in migrants who fit into the (new) kiwi way of life?

        Chronic entitlement mentality. An allergy to work (excuse the 4-letter word). Violence and stand-over tactics.

        Sounds a heck of a lot like the friendly natives, doesn’t it.

        You wanna know why those who fit into the (old) kiwi way of life are fleeing?

        • octagongrappler says:


          I feel like this is the Alamo, and that somehow this can be reversed?

          Maybe I will flee!!

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Maybe they should. Dnt they have a brand-new country to build with all that shiny UN money?

  12. Jay says:

    “The single mother of one fled her violent homeland in 1995 and sought refuge in Christchurch six years later. ”

    I’m betting she hasn’t looked for a job since arriving either. She expects the tax payer to fork out for 1st world accommodation for her family of 9(?) kids? Piss off.

    Btw, this one made me laugh:

    “… the Government wanted us to be mistresses for the white man,” Abdille said. “I said we should all come together as a community … because I was against white men using us and having sex with us.”


    • KG says:

      “… because I was against white men using us and having sex with us.”
      Some of us are fussy about who we have sex with. She’s in no danger from self-respecting men.

  13. Flashman says:

    Leanne Dalziel has plenty of room at her place down in Christchurch and would love to host a charming family of Somali refugees and so share in the joys of embracing the Diversity Dividend.

    In fact, I’m surprised she hasn’t rolled out the welcome wagon before now.

  14. WAKE UP says:

    Why are they refugees in the first place? Bcause they can’t make their own shit-hole country WORK ( and they can’t do it here either ).

  15. mort says:

    so someone who comes to NZ under refugee status, bringing a fatherless child in tow, from a place where they stone women to death for premarital coitus / infidelity, and she has the audacity to say that white people are taking advantage of her.?