Locking up dissidents in psychiatric hospitals

The Soviet practice. And we are only millimetres away from that.

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25 Responses to Locking up dissidents in psychiatric hospitals

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    “of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive” C S Lewis.

    There are three kinds of climate-fascists. The first are the True Believers. They genuinely believe the tosh spouted by the likes of Flannery and others about how climate change is going to bring about (actually, is bringing about) an apocalypse. These are they who seek to exercise tyranny for our own good. The second are those who use the lies, models and predictions of the True Believers to bring about their own New World Order. These are the likes of the UN and the green movements. The third are the dishonourable Politicians (is there any other kind) who use the lies, models and predictions of the True Believers to retain and enhance their political power.

    All three are deserving of nothing more or less than a long drop attached to a short rope.

  2. KG says:

    Amen! to that.
    As Bolt says, is there anything people who believe they are saving the world won’t do?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      No, there isn’t. Because they have the fire of righteousness to light their way. The greens have said openly they want the global population reduced to 500 million. How do you accomplish that without resorting to the sorts of policies the Left has always resorted to, and rationalised away, for a century or more?

      • Moist von Lipwig says:

        You may think there isn’t GG, but the sad sick bastards have that covered too.
        Here. :evil:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Yeah but none of the bloody hypocrites is volunteering to go first, are they? I’m sure one or twocCrusader Rabbit readers could volunteer to assist?

          • Moist von Lipwig says:

            Yes.. their credo seems to be..
            “Just enough of me..Too many of you”

  3. KG says:

    Yep. If leftists could support and excuse Pol Pot (and they did) and Mugabe (and they do) then why would they object to employing exactly the same methods themselves?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      And Mao and Stalin and Che and and and

      The method is always the same. I only hope that come the day I can take a few with me when they come for me.

  4. Mark says:

    She looks like a complete nutter herself, only somebody insane would suggest locking up people and treating them if they hold a different viewpoint from yourself.

  5. Pascal says:

    Never mind. I found an alternate method. Sorry for the bother.

  6. K2 says:

    Long past time to take some tidy bowl and clean out the marxist infestation of the contemporary western version of “the academy”.

  7. Cadwallader says:

    Off thread: Don’t forget to acknowledge “earth hour” tonight with a massive drain on electricity and gas! Make noise and light!

  8. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    She has the teeth of a born again Leftie.

    So dangerous.

    Think Helen Clark

  9. KG says:

    *shudder* My guess is, she’s become a zealot because that’s all she’s got, Adolf.

  10. mort says:

    do these fuckwits actually think 1984 was a blueprint?

    What is scary though is that the Govts of the world are building storage to digitally store every communique that is data-packetable, including your entire web history, along with a map of your cell phone’s movements at any given time, to be supplemented with face recognition tracking via CCTV, all with the basis that if some website like CR is deemed to be anti-establishmentarian, then any readers, can be lumped into the same category. Imagine if you had visited a site where an actor was not 18 even though you were led to believe that the site was 18+ only, the stored history could prove that you viewed objectionable material and hey presto you are a paedo and immediately discredited…

    • KG says:

      And that’s exactly where we’re headed, Mort. Enjoy what little liberty you have while you can. Seriously, I think liberty is coming to an end.