Going West

Leaving about 6am tomorrow morning. If the car doesn’t break down, we don’t hit a ‘roo or get run over by a semi, see you tomorrow afternoon.

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26 Responses to Going West

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Happy trails, amigo.cwatch out for the B-Doubles. Where you’re headed the guyvdriving it has been on the road for 4 days straight and his eyelids are defying gravity only through a combination of no-doz and methamphetamine.

    Completely O/T, but this is the very best Bill Whittle rant I’ve ever seen…


    • KG says:

      I just got up for a coffee and watched that, Gantt and you’re right–the best rant ever. It’s a great pity we can’t embed it.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Do you have one of my new cars that run on beer?

    The sedan is called the “Ronbo” and the sports model the “Rambo.”

    This is my original idea ™ that the Obama Regime’s Department of Energy has fully funded with mass production in the millions of units at the Coors Plant in the High Rocky Mountains now in progress

    The mileage is 100 miles per gallon Coors Light, but somewhat MORE on Australian brews that have a higher alcohol content – the tops being San Miguel in the Philippines that gets 125 miler per gallon.

    Jose Lopez, our test driver in Manila reports, “The Ronbo is not only fun to drive, in case of of breakdown, which happen often in the P.I., you can drink the tank while planning your next move! Repairs are no problem – when your Ronbo is wrecked, the driver arrested for DWI, or empty of beer – just get in another one and cruise on down MacArthur Highway to the Stop-Inn Bar on the Manila waterfront, as they come six to a pack. The only downside to the Ronbo is the headache the next day!”

    The Ronbo will soon be on sell everywhere in the world at the low, low introduction price of $6.95 for six, or $9.55 for twelve. I will grant you the beer can shape is a little weird and there is little in the way oi creature comforts inside – and there is always that beer smell – these at these low, low prices and high alcohol mileage WHO CARES!

    • KG says:

      I’ll take a dozen, Ronbo! :cheers :popcorn

      • Ronbo says:

        Thanks, mate!

        …And you may want to aboard as an investor, as the profits will be AWESOME since the American taxpayers built the factory, purchased all needed material and staffed it with AMERIHARDCORE “volunteers” behind in their child support payments who are required by federal law to work without pay, or go to jail.

        But the downside is that we are required to give a $49.95 “gift” to Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. :mrgreen:

        Yes, I know it’s fascism, but it really ISN’T because no one dares call it “fascism.”

  3. Moist von Lipwig says:

    “If the car doesn’t break down, we don’t hit a ‘roo or get run over by a semi.”


  4. KG says:

    If I could afford a Hummer, I’d love to try that Darin.
    We had a cloudless, uneventful, dry trip. The only hazard was dozing off occasionally.

    • Darin says:

      Hah…it’s not a road trip unless you hit the wake up strips atleast twice an hour :grin:

  5. KG says:

    Exactly. :lol:

  6. KG says:

    We were hoping to do a quick trip up to Karumba on the Gulf of Carpentaria for some fishing, but the road is cut again, dammit. My mate has never fished the Arafura Sea.

  7. KG says:

    Right now we’re sitting out on the deck watching the Flying Doctor ‘plane endlessly circling–looks like the runway lights aren’t working. He’s been circling for three cans so far. :shock:

  8. KG says:

    He’s down, finally. Probably cows on the strip or something, or he wanted to finish the movie he was watching…we’ll find out in the morning.

    • The Gantt Guy says:


      I was going to post that link myself. Zero got caught and what are the,ieutenants doing? Confirming what everyone thinks! No, it wasn’t taken out of context. No. It wasn’t misheard. No, it wasn’t a doppelgänger. He really said what he said, and he really meant what it sounded like he meant. But the russkies aren’t our enemies any more, silly voters. They’re all nice cuddly commies now, don’t you see? A-freaking-mazing. And 45% of people still think this Manchurian president is ok.

      :wtf :censor :rant

      • Darin says:

        Yep,it was a full blown “I’ll give away the store for some nice words from you” moment :censor

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Yeah but Biden and Clinton’s attitude is amazing. It’s like, yeah he said it. And yeah, he meant it. So let’s just get this silly little election out of the way and we can get on with it. Fuckers. :wtf

          • Darin says:

            Comrade Clinton is the only reason the Chinese have missile or satellite guidance :censor :evil: :censor :evil:

            • Darin says:

              OH FFS! Well that f—ing frosts it! :evil:

              Zero is having a one day mini-summit with Canadian PM Harper and Mexico’s Calderon today over energy supplies.

              This while Harper is practically begging us to build a pipeline,why the f— are we wasting Harper’s time?

              Because we are ruled by a SCFOMF and a Dammed bunch of amateurs may they burn in Hell :rant

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                That’ll be a short conversation!

                Harper to Zero: You want energy? Build my fucking pipeline you dumbass!

                Zero to Calderon: Can we have our guns back please?

  9. KG says:

    It’s just frightening. Giving away the Republic, in broad daylight.
    Now I’m going to bed–a big day tomorrow.