The great Bill Whittle. ‘Merchants of Despair’   sorry, we can’t embed it.

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14 Responses to JUST WATCH IT!

  1. Ciaron says:

    Tis a pitty that we’re not statistically due another presidential assasination for 49 years…

    The Han shot first video is worth a look too.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    See that idiot Santorum came out on the side of the hoody.

    What a fuckwit.

    The Republicans in the US are useless.

    Time for a third party until the Republicans are purged of liberals- whatever the cost.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Just finished reading the American Spectator article on the plot to get Rush. Amazing how the Left’s tactics never, ever change. Their only argument is, as ever, SHUT UP!


  4. Redbaiter says:



    This really pissed me off. For Santorum to make a mistake like this he has to be a complete fuckwit.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Bloody idiot walked right into their trap. Beginners mistake. Zimmerman hasn’t been charged with anything, hasn’t even been arrested and he’s somehow guilty of Murder 1? If this report is accurate, pack up your tent and go home, Rick.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    Zimmerman looks like he might have a case to answer, but he should never be charged until the Black Panther voter intimidators are.
    That aside, I’m SO disappointed in Santoprum now. I think he’s still possibly the right guy for the job itself, but he’s a HOPELESS campaigner.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Problem with that is he’s up against a guy who doesn’t want the job itself, but loves to campaign.

      • Darin says:

        That’s possibly Romney’s best qualification,he doesn’t want to be president,anybody who would want that job must be off in the head.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Oops. I actually meant Zero doesn’t want the job. How else do you explain his spending 275 of the past 280 days on the golf course while Rome burns?