Smile ‘n wave ain’t enough, SleazyKey:

NZ: ‘Support for National has slumped while support for the Greens has reached a record high, according to a new poll.
National would likely be able to form another government, according to today’s Roy Morgan Poll, but a Labour-Greens coalition would also have a shot if it could attract support partners…’
What the hell is NZ’s new Conservative Party doing? They attracted an amazing number of votes for a brand-new party, yet they’ve been silent since. There’s a deep groundswell of discontent among Kiwis and the CP is failing to capitalise on it. Key is now very much smelly fish for a lot of people who yet can’t bring themselves to support Labour, so the Greens benefit. Which is very dangerous for the NZ economy. The Conservative Party ought to be perfectly positioned to play a crucial role but they appear to be asleep at the wheel.

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10 Responses to Smile ‘n wave ain’t enough, SleazyKey:

  1. KG says:

    Perhaps Kiwis are finally waking up to the fact that the Key Gang are secretly giving away billions of dollars in taxpayer’s money and property to maori?

  2. Darin says:

    Let me guess, the conservative party there is like the republican party here,rudderless the size of a supertanker with 20 different people trying to steer it with a canoe paddle all in different directions?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Sadly, no. It’s a new party formed to capture the Conservative base being ignored, vilified and disenfranchised by the National Party (the large, governing party of the RINO). The Conservaitve Party is largely ignored by the LSM, except when it’s being derided as the plaything of a rich man (the party founder is indeed rich – a crime worse than kiddy-fiddling in the Cuba ofnthe South Pacific – and in fact is self-made – a crime worse than running a kiddy-fiddling ring in the Cuba of the South Pacific – and is largely funded by him, but that said the party fielded candidates in all but (I think) 8 electorates (districts) in the past general election.

      Come to think of it, the party’s founder is 4 from 4 on the crimes against the Sheeple in the Cuba if the South Pacific – (1) he’s rich, (2) he’s self-made, (3) he’s *gasp* a “practicing” Christian and (4) he’s in a committed heterosexual marriage. Clearly the enemy of the people!

      • Darin says:

        Geez practically Hitler then.

        Well there isn’t much can be done then,except by organising at the grass roots level.Have to get more people using critical thinking skills and spreading the truth before you can expect any movement.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Bwahahahaha. Your second paragraph made me laugh so much I cried. Not intentionally funny, mind you, but you’ve obviously never been to New Zealand.

          The good people who comment here are the exception, Darin. For the most part, kiwis have been lulled by a century of socialism into a form of welfare-induced coma, where there is no problem so big or small it can’t be solved by another government program.

  3. mort says:

    the Conservative party has been too quiet of late, but is that also because the LSM won’t give them any time?
    Perhaps they need to try to get a slot alongside Whaleoil in one of his 2 regular radio show slots, so as to get some dialogue going.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’m on their mailing list, Mort, and I understand they’re going around the electorates where they didn’t field candidates, trying to increase their presence. Of course it looks like they went quiet because the LSM is ignoring them more studiously than ever. It’s like the gathering of signatures for the petition to repeal the racist foreshore and seabed act. If you only get your information from the LSM, you wouldn’t even know it was happening.

      • KG says:

        “Of course it looks like they went quiet because the LSM is ignoring them more studiously than ever.”
        Well, FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Is that the measure of party strategist’s abilities, then? “That’s it. all over if the LSM ignores us”??

        The essence of building a profile is devising ways of breaking through that wall, by whatever means possible. It doesn’t necessarily have to be good publicity, because any bloody publicity is preferable to Death-By-Silence.
        Jeez…can’t they get it together enough to hire a PR hack? I wrote to them before the last elections, offering to put up a party banner and republish any press releases here in CR. I got an email back from some bloody female thanking me and promising to be in touch. Nothing since. Zilch.
        If that’s the level of competence and courtesy they operate at, they don’t deserve to win a fucking chook raffle. A waste of a good party name.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          On the first, I probably worded it incorrectly. It looks like they went quiet at the national level because they’re busy working at grass-roots in the electorates where they didn’t stand candidates.

          On the second, there no excuse for that. It’s rudeness, plain n simple and they will need to get a LOT better at publicizing their message (and not pissing off their core voter base) damn quickly if they want to have a chance in 2014.

    • CC says:

      Whaleoil being the hammer to Farrar’s anvil in the National Party sponsored blogosphere.