‘Made in Taiwan’. That explains it……

‘A human skeleton formally buried almost 8000 years ago on a small strategic island off China’s coast is creating excitement that it may represent a direct line to the world’s youngest race – New Zealand’s Maori and Polynesians.
Genetic evidence has long suggested Polynesians – including their youngest branch the Maori – derived from Taiwan’s aboriginal people….’

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18 Responses to ‘Made in Taiwan’. That explains it……

  1. oswald bastable says:

    Slave labour for Chinese Jade miners.

    As I have always said…

  2. KG says:

    Is there any other evidence, Os?

    • oswald bastable says:

      Quite a lot, actually. The remains of a Chinese junk was exposed after a storm on the West coast. Then the story ‘disappeared’

      I have connected a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to the fact that the maori were brought here to labour for the chinese.

      One piece of the story:
      Do you really think a fleet of large outrigger canoes could actually make it here from the islands? (knowing you have done a bit of blue-water sailing) The logistics of food and water alone make an arse of the migration story.

      • KG says:

        Well, as far as the canoe story goes, I’m very skeptical. A canoe can’t sail very close to the wind, at least not with the rig they had. And the prevailing wind is somewhere around WSW, is it not?

  3. Ronbo says:

    …And here I thought there was only ONE race – the human race – and that “sub-races” developed out of eons of our ancestors living in various climate areas of the world.

    Thus it would stand to reason the we “icemen and women” – the white species – the Indo-European Aryans – have pale faces due to living for thousands of years in the arctic and subarctic regions of the world and inter marriage with a limited gene pool.

    Ditto it stands to reason our cousins living for thousands of years in the southern regions of the planet would acquire darker skins from eons of living in the sun.

    In terms of what makes us human beings, DNA is DNA and red blood is red blood and tells the unprintable tale – there has been mucho partying under the influence going on this tiny little blue planet for a long, long time. :mrgreen:

    So there ain’t no such thing as a “Master Race” – although Master Racists like Herr Hitler and Barack The Magic Negro Obama still haven’t got the message – despite the fact that neither men are poster boys for the Aryans, or the Negroes.

    There is, however, the good, the bad and the ugly.


    I’m a card carrying member of the UGLY of the world :mrgreen: who hate stupid people of the majority and their piece of shit theories on socialism, racism, football and beer.

    Especially BEER! :mrgreen:

  4. Octagongrappler says:

    So MAARDI could claim from the KMT who invaded Taiwan in 1949??


  5. WAKE UP says:

    As I’ve said so often : if we all originally came from Africa, I’m glad my ancestors were among the smart ones who got out early :cool:

  6. Darin says:

    All the questions about who we are and where we came from is all ancient history.We should be asking where are we now and where are we going.As to history,if we were half the people our ancestors were we would be outside under the stars right now doing as they did.Looking up and marveling at our place in the Universe and anxiously awaiting the dawn of a new day.

  7. boi says:

    Now that the tangata whenua can prove our relationship to our ancestral homeland, I propose we immediately send Tama Iti to Taiwan to demand compensation from the Chinese government!

  8. David says:

    You might can convince the Maori to “return” to Thailand and claim their true “homeland”! :whoop