Out West

Reminds me of some of the grittier modern Westerns….this place has a fair bit of land with it and may be going very cheaply indeed.  (click the pic for full size)

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23 Responses to Out West

  1. Cadwallader says:

    Look like Texas. Where is it?

  2. KG says:

    On the road to Cloncurry/Mt. Isa, Cad. It feels like Texas, too.

  3. Darin says:

    If you could step out on the back porch and rip off a few 7.62×51 it would sound like Texas too :cool:

    • Cadwallader says:

      In a recent New Yorker there is an article about the day of the Kennedy assassination from the view of LBJ. Interesting. (Them Texans are a breed a part ad good luck to them. :lol: )

  4. Donald says:

    Hi KG,

    That country is greener than the S-E, here in SA! Out with the baler.

    For a moment I thought the sticks to the left might have been shagging wind turbines, but not out there, surely. That scam tends to go where the maximum debilitating disruption to the most number of people can be achieved.

    Anyway, the place looks to have high ceilings, the fence needs a chain attached and a little dragging to the left, and a .444 Marlin would only bother the shooter with a loosely held rifle.

    Big country.


    • KG says:

      It’s pretty green, Donald but you’d expect that at the end of the wet season. It’ll dry off soon enough. :lol:
      Not wind turbines–just big power poles for the feed to the mines at Cloncurry.
      I have a line on a .308, and ought to do the job–enough legs for the open spaces and enough punch for the monster boars around there.
      Good to see you, by the way. :smile:

      • Donald says:

        You too, KG.

        .308 will be excellent. By the look of the terrain you won’t need a brush gun, although some lever action is always good for the soul.

        Catch up.

  5. oswald bastable says:

    I could live there.

    • KG says:

      I reckon you’d be very much at home too, Os. The channel country is just a step up the road and it holds a lot of very big boars.
      Unlimited corrugated iron to scavenge, (or whole buildings) lots of machinery, heaps of space and very, very few people. It’s an old railway settlement.

  6. Yokel says:

    Do you reckon they’d let a shortly to retire whinging Pom settle there? Even I could afford the price, and there’s a bit of life left in me yet.

    • KG says:

      I reckon they would, Yokel. Besides, if you have some kind of income, you could simply come as a tourist and stay. :grin:

  7. Sharon Ferguson says:

    That does indeed look a lot like scenery in Texas backroads! Hope you find what you are looking for. Id come out there myself except I dont think I could bring these with me:

    Texas bluebonnets

  8. are you and GECKO going to buy it?!

    • KG says:

      The owner died and we’re trying to get in touch with his son, who apparently has no interest in keeping the place, Carol. We’ll make him an offer.

      • I were the jealous type-I’d envy you two!
        as it is- I hope you are able to buy it-
        Happy Easter-

        • KG says:

          Thank you, and Happy Easter to you too, Carol. :smile:
          I wouldn’t be too envious–if we succeed in getting the place, it won’t be all beer and skittles, not by a long shot. There’ll be a lot of work to do, and even painting the place will be a challenge.

          • Darin says:

            Paint?That’s high fashion now.Weathered,curled up clapboards are what’s known as “rustic charm”these days :grin:

            I myself have gotten with the times and have a house that features “Country shabby-chic Asbestos siding” :mrgreen:

            • KG says:

              :whoop And very charming it is, too!
              But I kinda like the “poor but tidy” vibe, Darin. ;-)

              • Darin says:

                Just remember,freshly mowed grass and painted houses make a Tax assessors heart go all pitter patter :mrgreen: