The lunatic substitute for traditional religions:

‘An elderly woman was ordered to find a new GP because the “carbon footprint” of her two-mile round trips to the surgery where she had been treated for 30 years was too large.
Avril Mulcahy, 83, was told to address the “green travelling issues” over her journeys from her home in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, to the West Road Surgery…’
Warmistas…dishonest zealots one day, gibbering lunatics the next.

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8 Responses to The lunatic substitute for traditional religions:

  1. Ronbo says:

    This is what happens under socialized medicine – any stupid excuse to cut off the elderly from needed medical care will do. :evil:

    Our Magic Negro El presidente grand&glorious has said that under his Obamacare (American socialized medicine) all the old grandmothers and fathers will be given a “pain pill” and allowed to die.

    I’ve said for years that if you want to know what the socialists will do in America tomorrow read today’s news articles from Britain. It is a sad fact that the American Democrat (Socialist) Party and the British Labour (Socialist) Party have a grand alliance and frequently coordinate attacks against We The People in their respective countries.

    And I predict this crap will continue until the stalwart yeomen and women of both countries go Cromwell against the Left Turd Traitors and pull them out of their buildings into the street at high noon and shoot them with big horse pistols in the head. :gunner

    BTW, U.S.C. 2381 is still on the law books and mandates DEATH for treason.

  2. KG says:

    “BTW, U.S.C. 2381 is still on the law books and mandates DEATH for treason.”
    :twisted: Roll on, the day!

  3. KG says:

    You’re right–watching the madness in Britain gives us the perfect indicator of where we are headed.

  4. MIchael in Nelson says:

    You got this one slightly wrong KG. The Warministas have been both dishonest zealots and gibbering lunatics from day one. Imagine having to work with a pack of them :shock: :rant

    • KG says:

      I can’t imagine doing it, Michael. Or rather, I can, but it would end in a very ugly way, rather soon. :twisted:
      A chopper dropped somebody with a broken arm off here the other day and somebody (city person) started prattling about “not using a designated landing zone and it’ s a safety issue” blahblahblah…and I surprised at the instant hostility it caused in me. A hostility that was well on it’s way towards real rage in just a few seconds.These bastards are busily destroying something more precious than their tiny pre-programmed set of unthinking responses is capable of comprehending.

      I’ve had the bastards up to here.Had the whole leftard snivelling PC hi-viz hypocritical know-fucking-nothing childish save-the-world zealot fuckwits and clipboard pompous kapos. The leeches and the liars and the belly-crawling opportunists.

  5. mort says:

    :wtf “the head of governance, risk and customer services for NHS South Essex”, there is a person employed with that title???

    I think the old duck is right and the practice are just following their political masters and using the convenient excuse the AGW lies allow. Essentially if you have a problem these days, and want a solution, but the truth is too hard to bare, simply use carbonista jargon and create an excuse for your actions.
    The only reason the practice can get away with this type of crap is because the Medical Profession in the UK are all employees these days, and all GP visits are free, being fully funded by the Govt through capitation (i.e. the GP gets paid if they see the patient or not). If there was a part payment required by the patients then the practices would treat their customers with a lot more respect.

  6. KG says:

    Mort, I reckon the government needs to get the hell out of the medical business and be involved only to the extent of guaranteeing emergency care in cases of genuine need. There are various ways to do that and I accept that it’s a difficult area, but as long as medicine is a political football (and weapon) the problems are going to get worse. Think Cuba…….