Fred on the racial divide:

‘..I do not see how things can change. The sprawling black regions of the cities are so homogeneous, so big, and so isolated from the white world, television aside, as not to be susceptible to outside influence. Whites do not go in, and blacks do not come out. A steady-state model of the universe, so to speak.
We are screwed.’                                  source
Update:        Wolf Howling has a fine post up on this subject.
And this Wabbit has no doubt at all that there’s a low-level race war already underway. There has been for some time.

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11 Responses to Fred on the racial divide:

  1. GW says:

    In between military college and the infantry, I spent the better part of my life in what was the most integrated profession in the world. I never once saw racism or reverse racism until I left the service. Throughout the service, skin color was meaningless on both a professional and personal level.

    I still have seen precious little racism, but I have been inundated with the reverse since. Indeed, in the absence of actual racism, the race hustlers have come to embrace a new meme, “color blind racism.” That is about as ludicrous a concept as one can imagine.

    What you have are a majority of black civilian leadership whose whole raison d’etre – and gravy train as well as the power they wield – is tied up in claiming that America hasn’t moved on from Jim Crow. But America has. The problem is that a subset of blacks, living on the daily poison from the race hustlers, has not. And the race hustling is not getting the airing it deserves because the left sees their poison as precisely what they want. Hate whitie – vote Democrat.

    Unfortunately, fostering the hate and promoting a rejection of “white values” has destroyed the lower socio-economic half of the civilian black community. It has not served them well, in any way shape or form. The statistics of family, social and economic breakdown are severe, horrific, and unnecessary. Something needs to break the cycle.

    At some point, conservatives need to start busting this up. I am appalled that they are not trying to do it this cycle. Between Romney saying he doesn’t care about the poor and Priebus saying that the Republican party is not going to invest in outreach to blacks, it is just insanity. FWIW:

  2. KG says:

    I don’t believe conservatives have the confidence to deal with this, GW. Certainly not the Republican Part as such. The first signs of capitulation to the bullies is self-censorship and I see an awful lot of it about.
    This is an accelerating slide into urban warfare along the racial boundaries and that suits too many people with fingers in various pies for it to be averted. Anyway, it’s probably past the point where it could be. Goodwill won’t do it. Compromise won’t. Capitulation, even, won’t. Because none of those have ever done it and none of them satisfy the beast’s appetite for chaos and destruction.

  3. Cadwallader says:

    There is one weapon left: The dismantlement of the welfare state. The breeders of the ghettoes will need to rely on their own resources. It is difficult to picture what those resources might be but that’s where to start.
    The other dimension to this created void is recognition of the internecine scraps within the ghettoes. If the scraps were encouraged but harnessed the problem might lurch to internal self-destruction,.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The dismantling of the welfare state is likely to be the spark that starts the fire, Cad. KG calls it ‘protection money’ which I suspect it is. Just look at the ridiculous reaction in the UK to Cameron’s plans for the welfare state. And in New Zealand to the tinkering at the edges John Key wants to do.

    • KG says:

      Yep. Francis Porretto has a post up right now over at Liberty’s Torch saying exactly that.

  4. WAKE UP says:

    Fred’s post (source) is a powerful piece of writing, thanks KG .

    As a small(er) observation, here’s a line from it that’s of interest: “The very names of blacks reflect a profound distaste for European civilization, a desire for separate societies. Trayvon, Lateesha, Keeshawn—these all form part of an insuperable wall erected against a polity that blacks don’t like and don’t understand.”

    Yep, and it’s the same with any “intermarried” Muslims. I’ve never seen a Muslim/other marriage yet where the kids got non-Muslim names, even though the mother (it’s usually that way round) is European and they’re living in Western society. Poor little bastards. There’s one family in particular that I know of – EIGHT kids, all with Muslim names (one is even named after Mohammed’s child bride Aisha) even though the mother is of pure WASP stock. Might be fine while they’re little, but I’m watching for when they hit puberty and realise what a fucked situation it is (if they do), and the inevitable SHTF.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    WTF, man. Are half of all Americans freaking zombies?

    • KG says:

      Gawd, but the comments thread under that (somewhat dishonest) item is depressing, RB.