Dan Hodges, the quintessential leftist f**kwit:

‘In defence of Big Brother: I want more snooping, not less’

It looks brain-damaged, and every word it writes suggests it.

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17 Responses to Dan Hodges, the quintessential leftist f**kwit:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I couldn’t even read the whole thing. In the first 2 paras the c*nt is advocating a police state where para-military police have powers to operate as judge, jury and executioner over thought crimes. What a tool … Of the utopian statist.

    • KG says:

      Hopefully, somebody will apply the Kinetic Solution to the bastard. That a national newspaper would give space to this piece of shit is a disgrace.

  2. Diamond Mair says:

    “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – B. Franklin, 17 February 1775

    Semper Fi’

  3. mara says:

    I gagged at the point where he says “Even I would probably draw the line at having a Govt. CCTV camera installed in my own home.” PROBABLY? Just PROBABLY? This individual is CERTAINLY as retarded as he appears in the photo.
    However KG, I’m not sure that his frothings should be banned from publication. We need to know what the enemy is thinking; if “thinking” at all is the right word for his mental processes.

    • KG says:

      Oh, I don’t think his ravings should be banned, Mara. Banning’s not something I recall ever advocating. I’m just surprised that a semi-respectable national newspaper would carry them.

  4. WAKE UP says:

    Whata sad bastard. Fancy living with that much fear of being real.

  5. oswald bastable says:

    A lot simpler to medicate the paranoid git and get HIS anxiety levels down.

    • KG says:

      Given the choice, in a just and sane world, someone would medicate him with a 9mm pill behind the left ear.

      • oswald bastable says:

        I would be willing to try a prescription of Tar & Feathers first…

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          We definitely need to bring that back. That beautiful, black, carbon-based tar. Lovely!

  6. mara says:

    Yeah KG but don’t forget that his thinking IS considered semi-respectable so it doesn’t seem surprising, to me at least, that “semi-respectable” papers publish it. Come to that, bugger all really surprises me anymore. Angers yes, but not surprises.

  7. Darin says:

    Whenever I stumble across an idiot this large it helps to just let someone else do all the work :whoop –


  8. Darin says:

    9:29 “I fart in your general direction” :grin:

  9. K2 says:

    When you get enough laws, EVERYBODY breaks some law on a regular basis. Of course, the government can’t enforce those laws for everybody, but it gives them complete power over the individuals they want to destroy or extort into submission.

    In this particular case, the key is to find when and where Hodges crosses the impossible to avoid legal lines and publish the instances publicly – and insist the police take action.

    It would be a great object lesson for the fascists.

  10. Flashman says:

    That is one of the saddest pieces I’ve ever seen in a newspaper. It is so over the top that it could have been published as satire.

    The hypocrisy of these chattering class pommy socialist scum [and in this case a truly weird moron] is that they resist the option of living in Cuba or Zimbabwe.

    My fear is that this class of undesirable is colonising NZ at the present time.