‘Where have all the heroes gone?’

‘..There are good reasons to worry that we have got the balance wrong for today’s kids. The victory of caution over common sense not only takes the fun out of childhood; it’s taking the bravery and responsibility out of adulthood…’         Via Andrew Bolt

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13 Responses to ‘Where have all the heroes gone?’

  1. WAKE UP says:

    First we need to reclaim the word “hero” – these days it’s even used to describe tv presenters and drug-addled rock musicians.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      And queers who think dressing (or not) in the most ridiculous garb they can find and mincing down Ponsonby Road makes them somehow “heroic”

  2. Darin says:

    I blame this on two things TV and the crap on it.Growing up we had the Lone Ranger,Raw Hide,Marshall Dillon and Roy Rogers.Every Saturday cattle was driven,wrongs were righted and things generally more civilized an hour at a time.Those guys were roll models that kids could look up to.
    We had plenty of violence on TV then too,but the right kind.Violence for a cause,violence to defend the helpless and free the slave.John Wayne stormed the beaches and the Rifleman sorted bandits.
    Look what we have now,just flipping through today’s line up in the time slots kids are most likely to be home watching and we have-
    “Teen aged and Pregnant”
    “Five Gays One Girl”
    The Jersey Shore”
    “Jackass” and
    “Rupaul’s Drag Queen U”
    My what a line up :rant Not a single minute of anything anyone should ever be watching.And the Cartoons now :shock: completely and utterly stupid nonsense.What happen,who killed Popeye?He was a stand up guy,good role model,straight even.Nope,sorry he got replaced with the F—ing Teletubbies and Barney,don’t even get me started on Barney the Purple Dinosaur

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “I blame this on two things TV and the crap on it”
      Definitely stealing this one!

    • Findalis says:

      You forgot Batman and Robin. They told us to mind our manners, listen to our elders, and obey the law.

      Outdated morals for a immoral society.

  3. KG says:

    Great rant, Darin. :smile:
    Steve Erwin? Explain? Nope. Just one of those ‘larger-than-life characters meets entertainment industry’ things….

    • Darin says:

      I never could figure if he was crazy or lucky,I understand taking risks,but hopping on the back of a 1200lb Croc is pushing the envelope a bit :shock:

      To me he was kind of a combination of Marlin Perkins and Evil Knievel.I can’t say I was surprised when he died given the risks he took,just that is was a Stingray that got him and not a Croc :shock:

      • KG says:

        I think he was both crazy and lucky. But beneath that demented exterior was a very knowledgeable man, who’d been messing with wildlife since he was a kid.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “I never could figure if he was crazy or lucky…”

        Yes, he was.

  4. oswald bastable says:

    I start snarling the second I hear the word ‘hero’, these days.

    It’s a shock when it is used in the correct context….

    • KG says:

      It’s become almost meaningless, hasn’t it?

      • Darin says:

        Like many things the accepted definition changes with sociopolitical outlook.
        As a conservative I look up to people like Sargent York or Ronald Reagan while someone on the left would look to Obama or Mao.It’s the difference between real and tangible vs phony and imaginary just like nearly any argument on any other subject between left and right.