This could get very ugly…..

‘THE FBI joined the manhunt for a “lone wolf” gunman suspected of killing three people and injuring two others in four separate shootings in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The victims, all black men, were seemingly shot at random in the street during a roughly seven-hour period early yesterday….’
One of the injured described the shooter as a “white man”…now watch the usual suspects climb aboard in order to ratchet up the racial tensions, while ignoring this and a whole lot of similar attacks.

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14 Responses to This could get very ugly…..

  1. Findalis says:

    I wonder how fast Jackson and Sharpton will drop the Trayvon Martin bs and go to Tulsa? If someone is targeting black men because they are black, then we can and should call it racism. It is just wrong! But if it is a black man who is doing this, then it isn’t racism and it is still wrong.

    We have to teach our children the 10 Commandment. Especially THOU SHALL NOT MURDER!

    • Ronbo says:

      The facts are not in on this latest massacre in an America that is rapidly gearing up for the Second U.S. Civil War (or Revolution, take your pick) but it would appear a counter attack by white racists is starting.

      The laws of warfare, politics and physics state that for every action there will be an opposite and equal reaction…Also, many whites living large urban areas are arming themselves (especially small white females) with concealed firearms, whether or not the police will give them permits..ditto the rise of armed white militias, especially up here in the Northwest, where large armed citizen militias have been known to silently parade before city hall in small towns like Hamilton, Montana.

      In any event, I lay the looming race war in America at the feet of the responsible figure – The Magic Negro President of the Republic – Barry Insane Obama – who gave the green light for race war earlier this year as a means to hide the Depression he started and secure his reelection.

      However, the thing about starting wars are that they are – like a large forest fire – very easy to ignite on a hot and dry summer day – but very difficult to put out and often burn to ashes those unwise enough to play fire bug.

      • KG says:

        Ronbo, I find it interesting that John Derbyshire has lost his gig at NRO for supposedly “racist” comments, yet he simply spoke the unspeakable truth–that blacks are responsible for the majority of violent crime and his kids would do well to stay away from large gatherings of them.
        So we still have a determined denial of the facts, and I suspect that denial will continue even as cities go up in flames.
        So liberal whites and cowardly conservative whites will be as much to blame as O for what’s coming.

        • Ronbo says:

          KG – you sir, are dead on right about the reaction of American conservatives to this black racist crap that has went on for decades!

          This is the reason ole Ronbo and millions like him have become Radical Republicans who say, “Embrace The Suck!”

          In other words if the Left wants to start a Second U.S. Civil War with an urban army of degenerate black racist thugs as Storm Troopers leading the charge, the RRs say “GO FOR IT!” because we know that all we need is anarchy in the big cities to kick some major parasite butt without the Feds and local law enforcement getting involved.

          In regards to the coming civil war the Left seems bent on starting in this country – I hope they are aware that the last one cost 1.1 million killed, wounded and missing and the destruction of half the USA. In today’s terms this would 6.2 million killed alone.

          The Bard said, “Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war” when writing about an ancient Roman civil war. I was a soldier during the Vietnam War. I’ve seen civil war up close and personal. I know what it means.

          But does the American Left? When I read of their gigantic curses of hate they spew at the 75% of the country who oppose them and their United Socialist States of America, I am reminded of Southern white slave owners who believed they could use force against the Republic and bent the majority their will that would have in effect made slaves of them.

          It didn’t work then and it won’t work now.

          America is a patriotic and center-right capitalist country. If the Left keeps pushing their agenda hate, socialism and the specter of civil war in our faces, they will get exactly what they pray for – even if it takes the death of MILLIONS of them and our big cities reduced to ashes.


      • Findalis says:

        Give Obama a second term and we really will be in a civil war. The military for the most part, will no longer follow his orders. They hate him and his cutting ways.

    • KG says:

      Findalis, I never accepted that blanket ban on killing. Some people deserve and need to be killed.

      • Richard says:

        KG, Findalis’ (correct) quote isn’t a blanket ban – “murder” is a huge distance from the “kill” incorrectly used in most Bibles. You’re free to take out any of the scum who so richly deserve it and not be excommunicated for it :)

        • Darin says:

          “If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him,”
          Exodus 22:2

          “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”
          Luke 22:36

      • Findalis says:

        The original Hebrew is: THOU SHALL NOT MURDER!

        It is not thou shall not kill

        A very big difference KG.


        • KG says:

          Thanks, Findalis and Richard. “Thou shalt not kill” never made much sense to me, but the distinction between kill and murder certainly does.

  2. Darin says:

    Not much mention of this either,mainly because the shooter was a well known Liberal Demorat nut.

    • KG says:

      Well of course! And when TSHTF, blacks will have been provoked by whites into rioting and beating an looting. The “victims” are not responsible for their actions, you see….

  3. KG says:

    Nope. Nothing to see here. Move along.