More maori bollocks by an academic clown:

‘Gifted Maori children are being overlooked in the classroom because teachers are failing to recognise their unique genius, says a researcher.
Massey University education associate professor Jill Bevan-Brown said schools tend to focus on academic subjects but giftedness in Maori students is broader.
…”Social giftedness is just as important. Being outstanding in manaakitanga [hospitality] for example, is just as important as being gifted in maths.”
Riiight…because we all know how important being “gifted in hospitality” is to a future career in engineering or chemistry, don’t we?  Perhaps what Helen Klark meant by the intention to make NZ the “clever country” was producing an army of brown caterers?
This silly little woman needs to get a job commensurate with her talents. Feel free to leave suggestions in comments.

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18 Responses to More maori bollocks by an academic clown:

  1. Findalis says:

    It does take unique talent to live off people who work. I doubt that there is an Einstein amongst them.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Nah bro, you don’t get it, being white n all. Being gifted in hospitality means I have the cuzzies over my place every night. That’s the hospitality part. They bring the beers and weed, and give some to me. That’s the gifted part.

  3. oswald bastable says:

    The jails are full of the ‘socially gifted’… :evil:

  4. Octagongrappler says:

    Massey University again??Spoonley?? :roll

    I remember a saying at school years ago “young gifted and black” :mrgreen:

  5. mort says:

    its the inherent racism of people like this so called academic which is what is holding Maori back. Tell them that they aren’t good at tech or intellectual activities and they will eventually believe it. Its little wonder that Maori parents don’t support their kids when you have all these so called intelligent people saying its a waste of time. Value their hospitality…. what a cop out. This woman is a moron.
    These idiots then try to even the field by lowering the aspirations and expectations of the entire populace to the lowest common denominator to make everyone equal… in poverty/ subservience. These idiots need to look at the attitudes Asians are implementing and subsequently succeeding at, to get where the real focus should be at. Valuing education and helping your kids achieve and succeed only takes a little bit of effort, but the cop out is always going to be the easier path to take, when fools are placed into positions of so called credibility undermining the efforts of others who are trying to change attitudes at the levels it needs to be changed at.

    • Scumsucker says:


    • Octagongrappler says:

      Confucius is not the answer either, as asians dominate schools yet there own societies are broken socially.

      • mort says:

        I have yet to meet an Asian who is not aspirational enough that they aren’t prepared to go out and look for a job, or improve themselves in general. Intergenerational welfarism is unheard of in Asian communities… the loss of face at not being productive makes them despise any and all who lead that kind of life, or at least that was the impression I got from talking to a few Asians on different occasions.

  6. KG says:


  7. Moist von Lipwig says:

    The good professor, Ms B-Brown is a bit late in identifying the hospitality gene in Maori.
    It became evident to most when Jake Heke uttered the immortal line…..
    “Cook the man some fucking eggs”. :mrgreen:

  8. WAKE UP says:

    Definition of “gifted in hospitality”: he’s the one holding the drugs :mrgreen:

  9. Cadwallader says:

    Years ago a British hospitality “expert” was visiting NZ to ascertain the tourism industry here. He stayed at the (then) THC Waitangi and claimed it had the only dining room anywhere in the world where a waitress took his order, served it and cleared the table without uttering a single word. She was described as a young maori girl with a “couldn’t be bothered demeanour.” That’s hospitality the indigenous way. 100 years earlier she may well have dined on him…white British pig with an obese wallet. :wtf

  10. mort says:

    100 years earlier and she would have had a 50% chance of being on her whanau’s menu.
    Female infanticide was a recognised means of population control, and protein supply. The male’s tended to kill themselves or each other in their warring efforts.

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    How’s this for newspeak: Diversity is Conformity

    • KG says:

      “And the left does not want to celebrate diversity of thought. They rage against so-called intolerance, yet they themselves are stupefyingly intolerant.”
      As always, Steyn skewers these evil idiots.

  12. KG says:

    hmmm… there’s a about Evildiots for leftards?

  13. Flashman says:

    Hospitality, what ever that might be but let’s assume it’s a synonym for “social skills”, is acquired at home and in the normal routine of life. The human zoo that is a typical school simply hones and refines this quality through the enforced interaction with ones fellow prisoners. In my experience important social skills are not learned from teachers; quite the reverse in fact.

    Those who can, do.
    Those who can’t, teach.
    Those who can’t teach, join the ministry of education.
    And those who can’t join the ministry, become education academics.