The Wellington waterfront plaque:
‘During these years a strong and lasting bond was established between Wellington and the 2nd Division, USMC. This bond is reflected in a smaller plaque below the one at the beginning of this story and bears the words “To the People of New Zealand. If you ever need a friend, you have one. The Second Marine Division Association, United States. 1951.” Emblazoned proudly across the centre is the Marine motto, Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful). Wellington remembers the sacrifices made by those young Americans, their willingness to fight on behalf of a city and country which many barely knew but which many came to know and love. This story commemorates the courage and heroism of those troops who snatched back the Pacific, island by blood stained island. Many lost their lives in the slaughter and it is to them that we owe our safe and peaceful existence. God Bless them.’