‘Blacks Can Murder Whites, and It Won’t Make National News’

‘If you’re a 20-year-old black male, you can beat an 85-year-old white woman to death and pummel her 90-year-old white husband straight into ICU, and it won’t make the national news. Yep. Tyrone Woodfork, a black male who — much like Trayvon Martin — looks like Obama’s son, allegedly killed Nancy Strait and broke her husband Bob’s jaw, several ribs and shot him in the face with a BB gun last month in Tulsa. 20-year-old Tyrone also raped the nearly blind 97-pound Mrs. Strait, a great-great-grandmother, before he murdered her. Did the above monstrous crime make the national news? Are you kidding me? Why, hell no. Of course not, silly!.
…For two more (out of many) recent black-on-white crimes that have ranged from unreported to insanely underreported, click here and here…’
And John Derbyshire is sacked for “racism” because he wrote that he’d advise his kids to stay away from large gatherings of blacks!  The truth no longer matters. Which is why we will no longer link to NRO.

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14 Responses to ‘Blacks Can Murder Whites, and It Won’t Make National News’

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    From your “insanely underreported” link, KG:

    “Investigators are unsure how Watts’ reference to Trayvon Martin was interpreted, saying it could have been seen as threatening or racist…”

    Right, so six of the Boyz n The Hood are putting the beat on grandpa. He’s on the ground getting the snot kicked out of him, and investigators are wondering whether he threatened them? That’s fucked up. Seriously. Blame the victim? It’s his fault he got beat up?

    And again:

    Toledo police … Said “…We still have not talked to Mr Watts yet. We’re going to be talking to him a little bit later…”

    So this story can be reported on Twitter, picked up by Twitchy and aggregated by The Blaze. It can be reported by Fox. And all before the police even talk to the victim? Is that because they had to make sure these poor widdle misunderstood vwictims had a cuddle with their mommy and got tucked up in bed with their milk and cookies first?

    Oh, and in a follow up story, “police say the robbery and assault of a 78 year old Toledo man by six juveniles was not racially motivated and his account of what happened may have been exaggerated.”

    Words fucking fail.

    • KG says:

      The police, like reporters, are cowards. They’re afraid to risk their jobs and pensions and the truth becomes something infinitely malleable.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Increasingly, the police are functioning as just another branch of the bureaucratic machine; a bunch of jobsworths form whom it isn’t worth risking their jobs to speak the truth against the liberal media political axis of evil.

    • sbk says:

      “Words fucking fail”. …Yep.

      so has the the “mainstream”…more downstream…as evidenced throughout the world…nobody pays “good money” to read shite.

  2. Wearing my journalists hat, it depends on how you define what is news.
    Something that happens very often ceases to be news.
    Thus, you tend not to report it.
    Something that does not happen much, is news, so you report it.
    Thus, the double standards of the liberal media actually highlights the problem in its own way and not in ways the liberals would like.
    Do you see what I am getting at?

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Dog bites man = not news. Man bites dog = news.

  4. KG says:

    Sorry, Fairfacts—not buying what you’re selling. If elderly whites are getting beaten up by gangs of blacks very often, then the frequency of the attacks is in itself newsworthy.
    So, I see what you’re getting at, but you’re wrong. Further, deliberately playing down or failing to report the facts when it’s black on white violence is both cowardly and a demonstration of a determination to cling to the paradigm of blacks as victims. Which is unprincipled and eventually little more than an incitement for black youths to engage in barbarism.
    The media has much to answer for here and your chosen trade is largely a refuge for lazy scoundrels.

  5. KG says:

    Headlines in this morning’s NZ Herald: ‘Racism may be behind US shooting rampage’
    When’s the last time you saw a headline which stated “racism may be behind mob attacks by blacks on whites”?

  6. I agree with you KG that events like what you have listed above should be reported.
    I was just coming up with some rationalision of the coverage we have seen to date.
    Or rather, giving a riposte to those censoring liberals.

  7. KG says:

    A year ago, the sacking of a conservative columnist for the reasons given would have caused barely a ripple. But there’s a lot of outrage about the treatment of Derbyshire, and it’s building. Which makes me think that there’s a groundswell of anger out there about black crime and black rhetoric, anger which the MSM is doing it’s best to ignore, but is building nonetheless.
    By suppressing truth they’re creating the pressure-cooker conditions which will lead to widespread violence.

  8. GW says:

    If one looks at the FBI data for hate crimes, precious few crimes are put in this category and the few that are show overwhelmingly that it is white violence directed at blacks. It is being used to push a narrative that is completely false.

    The black population has been given a complete pass over the past half century because to raise the issues of black social breakdown, family disintegration, criminality, etc. was to be labled a racist. Unfortunately for the left, the white guilt they have been mining is just about played out. Generations of our nation have been born into a world where racism is neither practiced nor tolerated. They do not feel any sort of collective guilt for racism. But they do feel that something is truly f**** up when they are told that they are responsible for blacks acting feral and that they should accept responsibility for the plight of the lower socio-economic half of the black population – even while they are given no credit for allowing for the socio-economic growth of the other half of the black population. The cognitive dissonance is just amazing.

    Thus I think the Martin case is going to be a landmark. What is happening is fascinating. NBC is under attack for its incredibly disingenuous editing. The NYT, the rag that couldn’t stop beating the racism drum, has now gone silent for well over a week, and it appears that Al Sharpton, the nation’s leading race baiter, has now abandoned the cause. They all have a finely honed sense of self preservation. But this is far from done, and too many people are too invested in showing the Martin shooting as racism. This is not going to play out well for them in the long run.

    You are right, KG, this nation is in a bit of a pressure cooker. And the Martin case is going to go a long way to making it pop. But let’s hope that it brings much needed sunlight to reality. I think almost all of America today wants blacks to succeed in our nation, but they are on the cusp of demanding that they be held to the same standards as everyone else in society. I believe that is called equality. That was Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream – but then again, he was a Republican.

  9. Flashman says:

    The white on black violent crime is comparatively rare and so when it does occur, it becomes a diverting, instant old school media blather shyte. And when a white commentator should happen to point out this truth, he gets the sack for instigating a nebulous nonsense called “hate crime”.

    On the other hand, violent crime going in the other direction is so everyday as to not be worthy of a mention.

    All in all, yet another compelling reason why I hardly bother to pay attention to anything in the old school news media these days.