Reply to Anita Heiss:

The answer is:   NO!
I live in Australia and I will not be silenced.

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4 Responses to Reply to Anita Heiss:

  1. Moist von Lipwig says:

    There is a page that continues to show comments…
    This one………….From “Phil E Steyn” really just nails it…

    “No you are not black enough, not by a long shot. You are not black, and you need to get over it. Let’s face it, you are basically a white, urbanised, middle-class person who is doing very well out of modern-day Australian culture and society. And, modern-day Australia exists only because Captain Cook came here in 1788. Everything you enjoy in your very comfortable and privileged existence is a product of the western society you were born into, thanks to British settlement of this continent 200-plus years ago. The fact that you have a small amount of aboriginal DNA, apparently, is completely and utter irrelevant to everyone except racial obsessives like yourself, and other paid-up members of the professional aboriginal class. What a joke!”

  2. Diamond Mair says:

    Commenters on Amazon are going whole-hog nailing her arguments to the barn door, then taking pot-shots …………………………….. :gunner

    Couldn’t happen to a more deserving {we-ell, maybe if Øbama had received such reviews for his epistles :lol: } individual …………………………………

    Semper Fi’