‘Who Breaks a Cockroach on a Wheel?’

A brilliant column by Colin Liddell:
‘A scandal has raged this past week in England involving racially insensitive Tweets that landed the racially insensitive Tweeter behind bars. Liam Stacey was targeted and caged because they knew that almost nobody would want to defend him…’

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4 Responses to ‘Who Breaks a Cockroach on a Wheel?’

  1. Jay says:

    The UK is becoming increasingly Orwellian, that’s for sure. In 99% of these cases you’ll find the ‘offender’ is a male European.

    ‘Hate Speech’ is a Marxist term used to control peoples thoughts. You’ll never see a ‘class hate’ law, though. They need that one open to blame the so-called ‘rich’ for everyone’s problems.

  2. KG says:

    “You’ll never see a ‘class hate’ law, though. They need that one open to blame the so-called ‘rich’ for everyone’s problems.”
    Good point! I never thought of that, Jay.

  3. Scumsucker says:

    And you will NEVER see the treacherous assholes that call themselves the National Party bring in ‘class hate’ laws.

  4. Moist von Lipwig says:

    What a wonderful line from Mr Liddell.. :mrgreen:

    “If public outrage determines prison sentences, why isn’t Tony Blair currently serving life?”