Oh dear, how sad….not!

‘..ZIMBABWEAN dictator Robert Mugabe was yesterday said to be fighting for his life in a Singapore hospital with an undisclosed illness, amid reports he had agreed to hand over power to his feared Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa…’
Die, you bastard. Just die.

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30 Responses to Oh dear, how sad….not!

  1. pmofnz says:

    There’s a special place in hell reserved for him. Alongside earlier and yet to die leftists, greenies, socialists, marxists and assorted dictators. And the reservation doesn’t need warming up.

    • KG says:

      Too bloody right, PM. I’ll raise a glass when I hear the creep is finally gone. (not that his successor will be any better)

  2. Ronbo says:


    Maybe the black racist subhuman and Chavez will die on the same day?

    Hey! If Castro, Chavez and Mugabe die on the same day that would be a Trifecta for liberty!

    In that case, THE BEER IS ON ME!!! :mrgreen:

    • mort says:

      Is the murderous git dying of AIDs like Yassir -“I like virgin Goat herdboys”- Arafat did? Evidence being that Arafat was a frequent patient and indeed died as a patient of the recognised top French HIV treatment centre, he had multiple strange lesions including one that looked like a Kaposi’s sarcoma prior to death, was recognised as having all of the following
      disabling cognitive impairment accompanied by motor dysfunction, speech problems and behavioral change. Cognitive impairment is characterised by mental slowness, trouble with memory and poor concentration. Motor symptoms include a loss of fine motor control leading to clumsiness, poor balance and tremors. Behavioral changes may include apathy, lethargy and diminished emotional responses and spontaneity: all recognised signs of AIDs Dementia Complex

  3. Elijah says:

    Good news to combat Tuesday-itis. Thanks for delivering KG.

  4. mara says:

    :gunner Given that the bastard had reduced the life expectency of the average zimbo down to about 44 years, he hasn’t done too badly for himself to have made 88. As was said, his successor won’t be any better. When the last white man has gone, nuke the damm place as a wee lesson in civilization for the other despots to ponder.

  5. Sadly the damage is done… Rhodesia back to the stone age – to stay this time…

  6. KG says:

    The scale of the tragedy that is Rhodesia has never to my knowledge been covered by a major current affairs program on television, and most people have no real idea of what’s happened there.
    And none of the white Westerners who enabled it have ever apologised or been held to account.

    • Cadwallader says:

      Agree. Ian Smith is/was/always will be a true hero of mine.
      The death of Mugabe is to be welcomed, but in all likelihood another Eton/Cambridge educated native will fill the vacancy and live high on the agonies of the constituents.
      I recall the horror expressed by the Chris Laidlaw types when Muldoon refused to be seated alongside Mugabe at a CHOGM dinner on the basis that Mugabe “was running through the jungle shooting people a week ago.” For once Muldoon was right.

  7. My wife’s South African, farmers there are being murdered too. Blacks actively encouraged to rob whites because it’s “the right thing to do” to reclaim what was stolen from them. No mention outside of SA newspapers. About to ramp up to and Malema will bring genocide for he is ever given the reigns (his ejection is temporary).

    Maybe we should send the photographs of the corpses to Minto et. al. houses.

  8. KG says:

    “Maybe we should send the photographs of the corpses to Minto et. al. houses.”
    Yeah, PFZ, I have a brother-in-law who deserves some of the photographic evidence too. The bastards have never faced what they helped create. :evil:

  9. Darin says:

    Good I hope the bastard suffers horribly every minute until eternity takes over and he rots in Hell.

  10. mara says:

    Cadwallader. On takimag.com Jim Goad has written an excellent piece on the Chris Laidlaw types that infest the world. Well worth reading his “Torch Mobs for Tolerance” if you haven’t already. He knows them SO well and is more eloquent than I could ever be.

  11. Findalis says:

    It is a shame that white mercenaries cannot be found to liberate Rhodesia from the barbarians that have destroyed it.

    And if they do take it back, throw the blacks out and make it a paradise once again.

    • KG says:

      If anybody funds it, I’m in, Findalis. :twisted: And no need to throw out the blacks–it functioned perfectly well and harmoniously before black rule.The vast majority of blacks were better off under white rule and they know it.

  12. mawm says:

    Mnangagwa will not be an improvement on Murgarbage. As the former head of the Zimbabwe Central Intelligence Organisation he has long been the person propping up Mugabe with overt brutality. He is infamous for his role in the brutal crushing of the ZAPU party in the 1980s, in which thousands of civilians were killed; and during the 2008 presidential election he was widely blamed for the brutality that followed Morgan Tsvangirai edging ahead of Mugabe in the first round of voting.

  13. Findalis says:

    Oh Dear! What will his wife do without the tax revenue for her personal spending money? The poor dear will have to live off of her Swiss Bank Accounts.

    Such Horror!!!

  14. rivoniaboy says:

    As I recall Chris Laidlaw was leading the charge to show how benevolent the Mugabe regime could be.How a terrorist could be trusted to bring democracy and prosperity to a country that was formally ruled by”evil white settlers”.
    What a dumb stupid socialist – a man who knew bugger all about Africa and its people.Let me tell you what he achieved as New Zealand High Commisioner to Zimbabwe – “sweet fanny adams” the idiot.

    • Cadwallader says:

      Wasn’t Laidlaw the deputy to Sonny Ramphal who loudly condemned the All Blacks touring South Africa?
      Looking back it is truly a shame Muldoon was such a screaming socialist and fan of big government. He was under no illusion what a journey to nothingness liberalism is!

  15. KG says:

    Err…..”dumb stupid socialist”? You’re repeating yourself there, Rivoniaboy! :lol:

  16. oswald bastable says:

    Wouldn’t usually wish cancer on anyone.

    There are ALWAYS exceptions to a rule, though… :cheers

  17. Flashman says:

    Tick tock mugabage. Tick tock.

    I sincerely hope you’re so long dying, you plead for death.

    • KG says:

      We should run a sweepstake, Flashy, on the day the bastard finally croaks.
      My bet is May 20. :popcorn

  18. mara says:

    KG that popcorn eating emoticon is doing my head in. It’s too good; I can’t stand it.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: Popcorn contains all but two of the major food groups, Mara. Cigarettes and coffee contain the rest. :razz:

  19. mara says:

    KG barsta, you are bloody right again. I’ll quit before I’m shot. :mrgreen:

  20. KG says:

    :lol: I don’t think of you as a quitter somehow, Mara.